ElectronicCats / Beelan-LoRaWAN

A LoRaWAN library for compatible arduino board
MIT License
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Hello guy, I'm not able to send lora through SF12? Are there any errors here? #154

Open tuantran1305 opened 1 year ago

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

I used ESP32+RFM95, code in arduino IDE and Gateway-8-channel PG1301. I run it at SF7->10 and it doesn't have any errors


Eric286 commented 1 year ago

Dear @tuantran1305

Thank you very much for contacting us.

With the information you gave me, I will do some tests to verify that everything is correct, in the same way I will report anything to you.

Could you just give me more information please, for example, Are you using The Things Network? Did you move something else in the code? Has it worked for you before?, What exactly happens when you try to send LoRa at SF12? Are you receiving any error messages or notifications?

Have a nice day!

stale[bot] commented 1 year ago

This is a message to remind you that your request has been pending for 5 days and awaits your comments. Our agent would like to hear from you about your previous request to see if the difficulty you were facing has been resolved or if we can provide further assistance. Otherwise, if we do not hear back from you within the next three days, the issue will be closed. Kind regards, Electronic Cats Support Team

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

@Eric286 I use Chirpstack, Gateway, i use the example Class C OTAA, I don't see the join request on the gateway, i use AS923-2 image

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

Can anyone help me with this problem?

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

Apart from this problem, when I use Class C, Multiple Channel in SF10, AS923-2, I only get downlink confirmed of default frequency 921.4Mhz, and other frequencies do not receive downlink. I checked the Gateway has already sent the downlink, most likely Multi Channel has not been used well in this case

Eric286 commented 1 year ago

Hello @tuantran1305

I ran some tests with the AS923-2 frequency band and found that only the US, EU, and AUS frequencys seems to be working properly.

I will be putting this issue in as a bug report and plan to work on a feature to address it in the future.

It's important to note that LoRaWAN networks can vary in their configurations and settings, so it's recommended that you do your own testing and consult with your network operator for guidance on configuring your network for the AS923-2 frequency band.

"Apart from this problem, when I use Class C, Multiple Channel in SF10, AS923-2, I only get downlink confirmed of default frequency 921.4Mhz, and other frequencies do not receive downlink. I checked the Gateway has already sent the downlink, most likely Multi Channel has not been used well in this case"

Based on what you've described, it's possible that the multi-channel settings may not be configured correctly. You may want to double-check the configuration settings on both the node and gateway sides to ensure they are set up correctly for the AS923-2 frequency band.

It's also possible that there may be other factors at play, such as interference or signal strength issues.

Have you tried it with other frequencies?

Best regards!

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

I will send the test to you soonest

Eric286 commented 1 year ago

Hello @tuantran1305

Thank you very much I await your answer.

Best Regards!

Support Team!

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

@Eric286 hello bro I made some tests: 1.SF7-SF10: Node sends data to Gateway--> Chirstack: Done SF12: Can't see the data sent in the Gateway log

  1. I tried with all frequencies AS923-2 (921.4->922.8) only 921.4 receive a downlink. But there is a special thing: join request and join accept are both sent and received well at all frequencies in AS923-2
tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

Can anyone solve this problem?

tuantran1305 commented 1 year ago

Do I need to update any more information? @sabas1080

sabas1080 commented 1 year ago

we are working on it, but we do not have a time frame to resolve this issue.

Do I need to update any more information? @sabas1080

IoTThinks commented 1 month ago

I have just checked. For AS923_2, unable to send uplinks for SF11BW125 and SF12BW125. I guess it should affect all frequency plans.

I guess something is broken. Or the library did not handle the AutoLDO when sending SF11 and 12 packets. Therefore, the gateway doesnot receive the packets.

I fixed similar issue in another library. Let me double check for this library too. https://github.com/SMotlaq/LoRa/pull/11

IoTThinks commented 1 month ago

This is the pull request. Yes, need to set Low data rate optimization for SF11/12 for AS923/AS923_2. I guess should be for all frequency plan.
