Electry / VitaGrafix

VitaGrafix - taiHEN plugin that allows you to change resolution and FPS cap of PS Vita games
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Request] 40FPS cap #263

Open HackZy01 opened 1 month ago

HackZy01 commented 1 month ago

If it’s possible, it would be amazing to see a 40 FPS cap, it’s a great middle ground between 30 and 60 FPS

Since the Vita can’t run some games at stable 60FPS but some games manage to hang around 40-50 FPS I think it would be a great addition to the plug-in.

Games that could possibly benefit from it:

KutsuyaYuki commented 1 month ago

Hey, while it's a good idea, there are some things to note.

If the game relies on vsync, then it's not really possible. Since it'll then be either 30 or 60 fps.

But if it uses it's own timing, then it would be theoretically possible. On a per game basis.

I would love to be proven wrong though.

Vitanewb commented 1 week ago

bad idea since the screen refresh rate is 60Hz, and 60 is not a multiple of 40. This means that the actual frame delivery to the screen will be very jittery and unpleasant. Running at 40-50 will be a better experience