Eleirbag89 / TelegramBotPHP

A very simple PHP Telegram Bot API for sending messages.
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how can i read GET parameters in url #165

Closed benyaminpy closed 4 years ago

benyaminpy commented 5 years ago

Im sending my bot’s registration link to my users using simple text message. For some reason, i have to get user's id when they start the bot (without letting them know).

Here’s how i’m doing it: sending a link just like the following example: t.me/my_bot_usernamebot?user_id=XXXXXX

There’s not enough information in the docs about the issue, so how should i deal with query params?

Mohsen322 commented 5 years ago

Hi Just check out documentation https://core.telegram.org/bots#deep-linking

Mohsen322 commented 5 years ago

My persian tutorial https://virgool.io/@mohsen322/how-create-invite-link-for-telegram-bot-users-bkmmjdhi4ck4