The GitHub repository for the backend files of the website contains the code and resources necessary to power the server-side functionality of the website. This includes the code for managing user accounts, processing user data, and communicating with the database.
Creating GitHub issue to help us further plan all the features that we need.
[ ] Ability to create Note (should store HTML file, author name, authorPfpId, visibility)
[ ] Ability to update Note (visibility, HTML, etc.)
[ ] Ability to delete a note
[ ] Ability to store note in a pre-existing folder
[ ] Not sure if this feature is there, but the ability to rename a folder (something I kinda wanted for a little while).
Storing the author name and authorPfpId might take up more rows, however, it is faster when loading cuz I don't have to make 2 requests. Not sure though. We should decide if that is good or not.
Will update this list with more features if it is needed.
Creating GitHub issue to help us further plan all the features that we need.
Storing the author name and authorPfpId might take up more rows, however, it is faster when loading cuz I don't have to make 2 requests. Not sure though. We should decide if that is good or not.
Will update this list with more features if it is needed.