Elepover / pmcenter

A Telegram bot helping you process private messages.
Apache License 2.0
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BOT has no response when I use the BOT command #4

Closed Hibros closed 5 years ago

Hibros commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have finished the installation according to the steps, but the BOT has no response when I use the BOT command. How can I solve this problem?

Elepover commented 5 years ago

Is your "pmcenter_locale.json" valid?

These stuff are especially useful:

Hibros commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reply I have a few questions: how do I determine whether "pmcenter_locale.json" is valid? I installed it according to the steps you gave me When I finished executing the command "dotnet pmcent.dll", the screen displayed the following contents: [659.6014ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][LANG][INFO] Checking language file's integrity... [751.1179ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][LANG][INFO] Integrity test finished! [754.1486ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] ==> Initializing module - THREADS [755.1655ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Starting RateLimiter... [761.2435ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Waiting... [762.376ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Starting UpdateChecker [763.4489ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Skipped. [770.035ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][RATELIMIT][INFO] Started! [1265.6755ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] ==> Initializing module - BOT [1265.9665ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Initializing bot instance... [2672.4282ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Hooking event processors... [2675.6396ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] Starting receiving... [2911.6485ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] ==> Startup complete! [2912.8454ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] ==> Running post-start operations... [3763.7678ms][11/27/18 1:53 AM][CORE][INFO] ==> All finished! else, Is OwnerID a numeric id? I sent commands like /start,/help, etc., but the robot did not respond Can I contact you via telegram? That's convenient

Elepover commented 5 years ago

Sorry, currently I don't have spare time for continuous chatting.

OwnerID is a numeric ID, for example:

"OwnerID": 1000000,

You can always get your OwnerID by sending anything to @userinfobot. Or, you can run dotnet pmcenter.dll --setup to execute setup wizard, which detects your ID automatically.

pmcenter only validates your API key, it won't validate your Owner ID.

Did it send you a "startup complete" message on Telegram? If so, your configuration should be okay.

Hibros commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your answer. The bot can already work, but it can only run in the directory of "/ root/pmcenter/build ", exit the directory will stop working. I have written "systemd service" file in the directory of "/lib/systemd/system/", my system is Ubuntu 16.04. But it doesn't work. The contents of my "systemd service" file are as follows: [Unit] Description = pmcenter Bot Daemon After = network - online. Target Wants = network. Target [Service] Type = simple WorkingDirectory = / root/pmcenter/build / ExecStart = / usr/bin/dotnet/root/pmcenter/build/pmcenter. DLL KillMode = process Restart = always [Install] WantedBy = multi - user. Target Where is wrong? thank you

Hibros commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much, the robot can now work normally, I now have a final question: how to use the command "/switchlang(url)"?
the URL should be filled in what?(If I want to change it to Chinese)

Elepover commented 5 years ago

That's a URL towards a json file.

Currently we have 3 language templates.

In (repo root directory)/locales/

For example:

/switchlang https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Elepover/pmcenter/master/locales/pmcenter_locale_zh.json

Hibros commented 5 years ago

OK,it's done,Thank you for your help!