Elestriel / TaskbarTools

Grants the ability to set the Windows Taskbar to any opacity and colour desired.
MIT License
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Add the possibility to have two different config for if a window is maximised or not #1

Closed sylveon closed 7 years ago

sylveon commented 7 years ago

For example I'd like to have it blurred when one of my window is maximised, and transparent when not.

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

I'll be working on this soon. It's a little tricky, since I have to figure out which desktop a window is maximized in, and then change the settings of that desktop's taskbar.

olliecheng commented 7 years ago

I've been looking into this on my TranslucentTb fork, and haven't found a way to distinguish Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd taskbars. I ended up implementing it but with all task bars.

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

I'd love to check out what you've done. I have an idea for distinguishing taskbars, but I'd have to sit down and try it. Unfortunately I'm not home right now :(

olliecheng commented 7 years ago

If you didn't find the repo. It's messy code still with debugging (I'm not fluent in any language starting in C), so you'll have to bear my horribly made work.

olliecheng commented 7 years ago

Using MonitorFromWindow it's possible to get the monitor any HWND is in. It also looks like making a MONITORINFOEX and using GetMonitorInfo can, with the szDevice variable, retrieve the display name, like \\.\DISPLAY1. Then you'd have to remove the first 11 (I think) letters of the result, and you'd get the display number. A bit hacky, and currently I can't test it, but it should work.

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

I took what you said and ran with it. I've got it working pretty much perfectly, now, but I'm making some other HUGE changes to the code in terms of the way settings are saved, and in the general layout of the code. I'm making it more Object-Oriented and cleaning up a ton of messy code. I'll have a release out tomorrow. Going to see Star Wars tonight!

olliecheng commented 7 years ago

Nice. Tell me how Rogue One is after you see it XD

On 13 Jan. 2017, at 4:57 am, Emily Maxwell notifications@github.com wrote:

I took what you said and ran with it. I've got it working pretty much perfectly, now, but I'm making some other HUGE changes to the code in terms of the way settings are saved, and in the general layout of the code. I'm making it more Object-Oriented and cleaning up a ton of messy code. I'll have a release out tomorrow. Going to see Star Wars tonight!

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Elestriel commented 7 years ago

Resolved in 1.0.7

Rogue One was awesome.