Elestriel / TaskbarTools

Grants the ability to set the Windows Taskbar to any opacity and colour desired.
MIT License
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Created some Minimalistic, Materialistic icons for TaksbarTools #11

Open Droyk opened 7 years ago

Droyk commented 7 years ago

Hey @Elestriel I created some icons see and tell me what do you think about these & which one do you like the most? yastapplication-default-iconcodeblocksvineyard-preferencesapplications-systemsettingsflat

Well I know rameezv already created it but his icon seem's a little outdated so I created some Icons with different variants tell me which one do you like?

wopian commented 7 years ago

The icons should use the Metro colour scheme instead of the Material colour scheme imo

Droyk commented 7 years ago

Well I like Material more than metro so I created material.

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

They're definitely nice, but I feel they don't really convey the direction of the software very well.

Having said that, I'm still working on determining the direction of the software. >.>

Droyk commented 7 years ago

Well your software name is taskbar tools so I think the best icon for your app would be these setting Icons vineyard-preferencesapplications-systemapplication-default-icon

but if the above are still not enough then tell me what do you want? If you want more than I can create more variants.

Aemony commented 7 years ago

Note that notification area icons are 16x16 pixels, and taskbar icons are 24x24 pixels in Windows 10, I believe. That means that none of the listed examples will look nice since the motif of the icons are smaller than the circle surrounding them. Similarly, the largest size a Win32 shortcut can be in on the start menu in Windows 10 is the Medium size, which is only 100x100 pixels.

So my suggestion for further designs is to start small and work your way up in the sizes. The 16x16 notification area icon is the most important, as that one is the one users will see 99% of the time. Next is the 24x24 taskbar icon.

Due to the small sizes involved the obvious next question is to lose the circle/background of the icon. You'll will at most be able to squeeze in about 6-8 pixels in height/width of a circle or background in the 24x24 icon, and none at all in the 16x16 icon.

Note how small the backgrounds of these icons are:

Droyk commented 7 years ago

Dude that's a simple common sense the Images I used above are png's the above are just examples if @Elestriel wanted any of the above icons then I would have already created a .ico set.