Elestriel / TaskbarTools

Grants the ability to set the Windows Taskbar to any opacity and colour desired.
MIT License
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Make start follow taskbar settings #3

Open 1suky1 opened 7 years ago

1suky1 commented 7 years ago

Would be nice if start would also be the same as taskbar http://puu.sh/ti3XB/098590966b.jpg

sylveon commented 7 years ago

It's possible. You only have to config it correctly

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

This is next on my to-do list. I'd love to make the Start menu look lighter.

Droyk commented 7 years ago

@Elestriel by lighter you mean clean and blurred state right!!

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

I mean whatever you want to set it as ;)

Droyk commented 7 years ago

whatever you want to set it as

Music to my ears, thanx for that ^‿^

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

Alright, the Start Menu seems to take whatever I send it and modify it. It ignores Alpha, and it only applies the hue, but not brightness or saturation of any colours I send to it. I can give it the blur effect, though, so I guess that's progress.

Time to really start digging.

sylveon commented 7 years ago

Can I have a screenshot? I'd like to see what it looks like.

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

I can't right now, since I'm at work, and there's way too much proprietary stuff in it. I'll work on this some more tonight, and could send you some screenshots then. Lunch is over, now. :(

ethanhs commented 7 years ago

Not knowing for sure, my guess is that since Start is a Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow (great, I have that memorized now), it doesn't support an alpha channel in its painting. No UWP app to my knowledge has transparency.

chdelacr commented 7 years ago

Maybe changing some registry values (I don't know which exactly, sorry)?

Droyk commented 7 years ago

Maybe changing some registry values (I don't know which exactly, sorry)?

If it was that easy then the developers wouldn't be having any problem at all.

chdelacr commented 7 years ago

@Droyk, is just a suggestion. Other programs that make advanced changes to the system modify the registry values to work properly.

Elestriel commented 7 years ago

I wish it was as simple as playing with the registry. :'(

chdelacr commented 7 years ago

@Elestriel, that without mention if the registry has the necessary options to modify the start menu appearance.

sylveon commented 7 years ago

It does not. The registry edits currently possible only goes as far as you can with the Settings apps.

chdelacr commented 7 years ago

That's bad. I found this key "HKEY_CURRENT _USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize" on Reddit, but I don't know how it works.

Droyk commented 7 years ago

That's bad.

Is that what they call sarcasm these days ;) anyway @chrisdlc119 that key is just for making the start translucent that key doesn't make the start background totally invisible (means no background), nor blurred so developers like @charlesmilette @Elestriel have to write a small code for transparent and blurred, there is no way rightnow to do this via registry method.

chdelacr commented 7 years ago

@Droyk, I don't know if you have a problem, but this is not a place to "fight". I was just supporting the issue and is a bad thing that neither vía the registry settings anything can change for good.

No matter what, good job, @Elestriel.

Droyk commented 7 years ago

@chrisdlc119 no I don't have a problem & I am not fighting I was just telling you.