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Use shrinkage for (cross-)covariance estimation #261

Open norabelrose opened 1 year ago

norabelrose commented 1 year ago

We're now using the shrinkage technique from this paper in the concept-erasure repo; it makes covariance estimation robust to small sample sizes. Might make CRC-TPC, VINC, etc. work better

def gaussian_shrinkage(S_hat: Tensor, n: int) -> Tensor:
    """Applies Rao-Blackwell LW shrinkage to a sample covariance matrix."""
    p = S_hat.shape[-1]
    assert n > 1 and S_hat.shape == (p, p)

    trace_S = torch.trace(S_hat)
    trace_S_sq = torch.trace(S_hat ** 2)
    trace_sq_S = trace_S ** 2

    numer = (n - 2) / n * trace_S_sq + trace_sq_S
    denom = (n + 2) * (trace_S_sq - trace_sq_S / p)
    rho = torch.clamp(numer / denom, 0, 1)

    eye = torch.eye(p, dtype=S_hat.dtype, device=S_hat.device)
    F_hat = eye * trace_S / p

    return (1 - rho) * S_hat + rho * F_hat
albanie commented 1 year ago

Should the denominator be:

denom = (n + 2) * (trace_S_sq - trace_sq_S / p)

rather than

denom = (n + 2) * (trace_S_sq + trace_sq_S / p)


norabelrose commented 1 year ago

Yes it should be this thing

Captura de pantalla 2023-06-24 a la(s) 1 16 14 p m
norabelrose commented 1 year ago

Actually we should use the distribution-free, random matrix theory-based, asymptotically Frobenius-optimal formula from https://arxiv.org/abs/1308.2608. Just switched the concept-erasure repo to it.

import torch
from torch import Tensor

def optimal_linear_shrinkage(S_n: Tensor, n: int | Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Optimal linear shrinkage for a sample covariance matrix or batch thereof.

    The formula is distribution-free and asymptotically optimal in the Frobenius norm
    as the dimensionality and sample size tend to infinity.

    See "On the Strong Convergence of the Optimal Linear Shrinkage Estimator for Large
    Dimensional Covariance Matrix" <https://arxiv.org/abs/1308.2608> for details.

        S_n: Sample covariance matrices of shape (*, p, p).
        n: Sample size.
    p = S_n.shape[-1]
    assert n > 1 and S_n.shape[-2:] == (p, p)

    # Sigma0 is actually a free parameter; here we're using an isotropic
    # covariance matrix with the same trace as S_n.
    # TODO: Make this configurable, try using diag(S_n) or something
    eye = torch.eye(p, dtype=S_n.dtype, device=S_n.device).expand_as(S_n)
    trace_S = trace(S_n)
    sigma0 = eye * trace_S / p

    sigma0_norm_sq = sigma0.pow(2).sum(dim=(-2, -1), keepdim=True)
    S_norm_sq = S_n.pow(2).sum(dim=(-2, -1), keepdim=True)

    prod_trace = trace(S_n @ sigma0)
    top = trace_S.pow(2) * sigma0_norm_sq / n
    bottom = S_norm_sq * sigma0_norm_sq - prod_trace**2

    alpha = 1 - top / bottom
    beta = (1 - alpha) * prod_trace / sigma0_norm_sq

    return alpha * S_n + beta * sigma0

def trace(matrices: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    """Version of `torch.trace` that works for batches of matrices."""
    diag = torch.linalg.diagonal(matrices)
    return diag.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(-1)