EleutherAI / pythia

The hub for EleutherAI's work on interpretability and learning dynamics
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Provide the shuffled index_mapping npy files for ease of reproducing training data #153

Open ziqi-zhang opened 4 months ago

ziqi-zhang commented 4 months ago


I was wondering can you provide the index_mapping files that is generated by the GPT2Dataset? From the construction of gpt2dataset at here, I can see there are three npy index files

    doc_idx_filename = _filename + "_doc_idx.npy"
    sample_idx_filename = _filename + "_sample_idx.npy"
    shuffle_idx_filename = _filename + "_shuffle_idx.npy"

I was wondering can you provide a copy of these files so that I don't need to regenerate them?

I ask this request because I want to study the influence of the original training data by chunk. I have prepared the pythia-dedup dataset, but I failed to build the environments. After reading the code of GPT2Dataset, I found that with these index files, I can reproduce the original training data of pythia.

I noticed that you provide the batch_viewer.py to check the unshuffled data, but it seems that these data is still different from the actually training data that is fed into the model during the training process.
