ElfFriend-DnD / foundryvtt-compactBeyond5eSheet

A character sheet built with the intention of mimicing the dndbeyond character sheet layout and UX
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Display passive skill scores. #30

Closed ChartrueseAubergine closed 3 years ago

ChartrueseAubergine commented 3 years ago

It would be really helpful to display passive skill scores as well, similar to below:

Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 14 45 05

NOTE: IIUC, Skills with advantage gain +5 to passive, and there is a feat to gain additional +5 passive perception/investigation.

https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/basic-rules/using-ability-scores#PassiveChecks https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Ability%20Checks#h-Passive%20Checks https://5thsrd.org/rules/abilities/ability_checks/#passive-checks

Here’s how to determine a character’s total for a passive check: 10 + all modifiers that normally apply to the check

If the character has advantage on the check, add 5. For disadvantage, subtract 5. The game refers to a passive check total as a score. (Only one source of advantage can add that +5.)

https://www.dndbeyond.com/feats/observant http://dnd5ed.wikidot.com/feat:observant

You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores. (Separate from advantage.)

There is also Inquisitive Rogue's Steady Eye feature. But this seems harder to account for. Maybe could do just "(passive/half-speed-passive)" instead of just "(passive)" that the example shows? Optional, since it otherwise seems a pain? https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/xgte/subclasses#Inquisitive

At 9th level, you gain advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check if you move no more than half your speed on the same turn. (Could drop this if player otherwise already has advantage from prior.)

akrigline commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I think I ditched these because I personally haven't found them super useful in my games and I wanted to save some space. I don't hate the idea of having this in a title or tooltip of some sort though, do you think that would be sufficient?

As for calculations, since this is already present in the stock character sheet, I shouldn't need to calculate things. I don't know if the stock calculations handle these passive boosts or what have you, but that'll be distinctly out of scope for this character sheet display overhaul.

ChartrueseAubergine commented 3 years ago

My DM wanted it for some reason. I guess he keeps character sheets all open on another monitor? Maybe make it a checkbox in settings to display them inline? He probably /really/ only uses passive stealth, perception, and investigation. Maybe could add those to a single row in between inspiration and the skills section??

Oh that's good that the system pre-calculates that stuff. :-) I haven't delved very deeply into modding yet.

ChartrueseAubergine commented 3 years ago

Maybe also passive insight? 🤔

akrigline commented 3 years ago

Coming in 0.10.3:

ChartrueseAubergine commented 3 years ago

Looks good! Thank you!!