ElfFriend-DnD / foundryvtt-compactBeyond5eSheet

A character sheet built with the intention of mimicing the dndbeyond character sheet layout and UX
MIT License
14 stars 16 forks source link

Skill Scrolling broken on Firefox #40

Closed pikasalt closed 3 years ago

pikasalt commented 3 years ago

Scrolling behavior on the left hand side of the character sheet is broken on the Firefox browser. The user cannot scroll using a scroll wheel and the visual scroll bar is not present. Tested by myself and a friend. Behavior works as expected while using a chromium-based browser.

akrigline commented 3 years ago

Ooof. Thanks for the report. I'll take a look, why does Firefox insist on making life difficult?

akrigline commented 3 years ago

resolved in 0.11.3