ElfFriend-DnD / foundryvtt-compactBeyond5eSheet

A character sheet built with the intention of mimicing the dndbeyond character sheet layout and UX
MIT License
14 stars 16 forks source link

Alphabetic order for inventory/spells/features #55

Open davelamorte opened 3 years ago

davelamorte commented 3 years ago

Hello, thank you so much for your great work on this module!

I'm fairly sure that up to a point there was a small button to alphabetically order spells and inventory (features would be nice as well), but I can't find it anymore. I'm confused.. this is the sheet I've always been using for 8 months now!

Anyways, would it be possible to add this simple feature? Maybe it's not that easy to implement? Especially with spells and inventory after a while it becomes a total mess..
