Elfinlocks / Astral_Engineering

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World Corruption/error when Wires? I'm partially confused, it might already be fixed. #38

Open Domedread opened 1 year ago

Domedread commented 1 year ago

Hello, to those of you who may read this. I found that rituals weren't working in the pack a while ago (As least in terms of Mineralis and Viscio), at least for me - but that wasn't too big a deal, I could still play the modpack and it might have been Astral Sorcery (The mod)'s fault. However, this one... does keep me from playing the modpack. So here we are.

This might be a problem on my machine - I lack the capacity to test this issue on another device, due to not having another device powerful enough to run Astral Engineering. After getting close to the end of Early Engineering twice now, I have had two of my worlds corrupted / become unpayable, and both after closing my world after setting up a machine that accepted electricity from Immersive Engineering Wires. The first time it was LV wires to an industrial squeezer and fermenter, and the second time MV wires to two blast furnace pre-heaters. Both times, the result is the same: You load into the world, but the world does not load around you. You don't have items in your inventory, but it shows up, and you can open your inventory and it appears your curios are there but unaccessable, yet you can move your cursor and the day/night cycle seems to play out. See the following photo for what the second world looks like post error. Error 1 Now, seeing as this has happened to me twice, I thought I should test it to make sure that this was the error. The game actually crashed and gave me an error code 1 after closing out the window with the exit window button, which is more info, so I booted it up again and started a fresh, creative world superflat world. Now, up until this point, I had been using windmills turning create gears powering alternating dynamos as my early game powersource, as it was the easiest passive power I could make, so I decided to test that first, sending the power into blast furnace pre-heaters. Here's a picture of my setup to test it, most of the same components to it as was there in my second world. Test Setup 1 Then, I logged out of the world, closed minecraft, and tried to open the world again. But, this time the world loaded successfully. I also noticed the image for the wires was different this time, which might signal that this issue could have been fixed. Still, I decided to run one more test by changing my game-mode, and then close and re-open the world again. Again, it reloaded just fine. Then I though, what in the world, I'll re-craft wires to make sure that isn't the issue and you're given a different type of wire. It was the same as the new image, not the old wire sprite I was used to seeing. So, I'm still without my answer on that one - I'm going to start up a third survival world, and if it comes up again I'll be imaging the whole thing to make sure I can show what happens in full.

Domedread commented 1 year ago

Well, as noted in a few forum posts I made, it seems the pack has... updated? And while the wires may be different now (And potentially no longer cause the issue, if the test was anything to go by) I've yet to test it in survival again because A - I'd have to go all the way through the progression system again, something that takes me a hot minute to do legitimately (I'm not an experienced modded minecraft player, the most modded thing I played before this was Blightfall on the Technic Launcher) and B - A bunch of recipes have changed along with said wires changing that don't seem to be intentional, see millstones and hand cranks requiring andesite alloy with no way to process iron ore before making one, and the questlines not reflecting a revert to the normal furnace recipe (There was already a minor error in the questline with chocolate mentioning increasing your stamina, something I believe was removed from the pack?). I just realized I hadn't quite tried everything yet, however, and so am uninstalling and reinstalling the pack (Along with restarting my computer just in case) and seeing if that changes anything. But in case it doesn't, that feels like a bit of a more pressing issue than this potentially already fixed one.

Domedread commented 1 year ago

Okay, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the pack... and everything is back to normal? I didn't alter anything about the pack the first time, and yet everything seems... back to the way it was before. The wire sprite I'm used to, I started with a quest book, backpack, and akashic tome I'm used to seeing in this pack now... this is strange. Well, I suppose we're back on the survival test plan, and I'll see this thread again when I'm done with it.

Domedread commented 1 year ago

Well, here we are again. I have some updates, and might have this closed soon without issue.

1 - I noticed my computer was running out of space, so I deleted a few things. I could see this world error occuring due to a lack of storage on my end. If what happens next works, then this is what I believe is likely the issue here.

2 - I have gotten back to power! Yay! I have hooked it up to a trading computer, as shown. Hopefully the next time I log into my world, it doesn't explode. Minecraft 1 16 5 - Singleplayer 11_18_2022 3_02_14 PM

Domedread commented 1 year ago

This time, on Dome's chronicles to figure out why his worlds keep corrupting/blanking out/turning into space: I have made a few discoveries, and have a new hypnothesis. Let's run through them, shall we? Because as optimistic as my last post was... things did not fix themselves. It happened again.

This time, it happened when I made a pumpjack and hooked it up to the electrical system in the last post, running electricity across a river. Unfortuantely, I am the dumb, and was frustrated that I put the pipe in the wrong spot, which means I logged off for the night without taking any screenshots. After logging back in, well... I will let the following screenshot show what happened again. Minecraft 1 16 5 - Singleplayer 11_28_2022 3_22_51 PM

Now, onto the discoveries. The first of which happened after I booted the game up again to write this post. When booting up the pack from curseforge, it said that an instance of minecraft, or a related process was still running in the background, despite me not having opened minecraft for a while. This could be related to the part where the game does not close the world properly, and me using task manager end the task to get the window to close because the saving world screen never goes anywhere very fast, but it is still worth noting, even if it is not part of the problem itself, whatever it is. YouTube - Google Chrome 11_28_2022 4_20_51 PM

The second discovery comes with the saving work screen as well. The "Desktop Windows Manager" task starts taking about a gigabyte of ram while this is occuring, which is not the usual amount it uses on my computer when this is taking place. I let the screen run until completion, and it's memory usage does drop down from about 5 GBs to .8 at some point if I leave the screen alone long enough. When i closed it though, it was at 2GB, so something is weird there. The tips continue to work as long as I let the screen do its thing. However, it kept at it for over an hour, so I finally decided to stop it after that point because it was clear it was not going anywhere.

The third discovery came when I tested the hypnothesis. As previously stated, I tend to test these things in a creative world - but last time, the wires were different, and all the recipes reverted. Well, I'm happy to say that it did not happen again, so simply creating a creative world does not mess up your reciepes. Still not entirely sure on why that happened to me earlier.

Now, onto the actual Hypnothesis. For one, I made this creative world in not superflat, in case it makes a difference. For two, and I know it might sound dumb - the only thing that my previous worlds had in common that my creative world did not have was the Immersive Engineering Wooden Posts I used to keep my power from eletrocuting me in survival. Sure, the above post had one of those posts, but every time the world had done this, I had at least 3 of the wooden posts transferring electricity So, I decided to set them up this time, as seen here. Test World 2

And so, after taking that screenshot, I backed out of the world, and tried to log back into it. Minecraft freaked out a little bit loading, showing the screen I had last seen on logging out, going back to the world loading % screen, and then.... worked just fine. So, I checked the reciepes to make sure they were still fine. They were. I closed out the game and restarted it. I did not get the error that a instance of minecraft or a related process is still running, so that was a good sign, and it loaded fine again.

Now, here we are. I got no idea what's causing this, I will be honest. And to be honest, I would rather not play through the pack again to the end of early industry in the hopes of finding out what the problem is. However, from what I have noticed, whenever I load a world, it still starts with a screen like the one I have in the survival attempt #3 world, it just loads the world over it. This does make me believe that there is an error in loading the world itself... I just have no idea what it is. I think I will be shelving the pack until I get something back on this, or find renewed reason to try again to figure out what is causing it. But, for now, I am out of ideas.