ElgarL / Towny

Towny Advanced plugin for Bukkit @ http://palmergames.com/towny/
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Towny fails to load file after Name Changing #155

Closed prodkid closed 8 years ago

prodkid commented 9 years ago

During restarts, towny fails to load file. It's stuck on 1:48:03 PM Towny: Enabling Towny v0.88.0.3 1:48:03 PM CONSOLE: [INFO] ==================== Towny ======================== I tried turning debugging on and seems to make no difference on giving me outputs.

alicheek commented 9 years ago

well you havent given the full log of the issue, so first off give the full debug log then some one can have a look at it

prodkid commented 9 years ago

There is no other information logged. Debug file empty and the log file in towny folder is unrelated. as you can see here http://pastebin.com/uR3PPk1D

prodkid commented 9 years ago

Is towny dead? Author has been inactive since Oct 22.

ElgarL commented 9 years ago

No its not dead. However Bukkit is. We are focusing on a rewrite of Towny for Sponge.

prodkid commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to investigate this issue? It's making towny unusable :/.

prodkid commented 9 years ago

Also, good to see you :). We love your plugin.

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

@prodkid update your server to sponge to use towny update :)

prodkid commented 9 years ago

I'm using cauldron atm, sponge is not an option right now.

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

aww i see well sponge can do some amazing things and might replace cauldron as well :) @prodkid

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

i believe towny for sponge will be ready pretty soon :)

prodkid commented 9 years ago

@TekkitCommando the transition will be hard but we're looking forward to it. Can I get some assistance on this ticket? Here's the backup that of the files that fails to load https://www.dropbox.com/s/2lc8yrvuardvowp/2015-02-13%2012-18%20-%201423847929061.zip?dl=0 It is possible to debug towny and figure out what's the problem? Currently I have to restore to keep restoring from a backup from Feb 8.

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

Yep no problem let me have a look :)

prodkid commented 9 years ago

Anything yet?

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

oh sorry @prodkid went to work and forgot let me see

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

@prodkid is your towny debugger even on?

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

@prodkid theres no debugger enabled and your towny config is fu**ed up lol

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

theres options missing im pretty sure and theres over 60000 empty spaces and random #'s at random poiints

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

fix the config, enable debugger, send me the info then i can help you out buddy :)

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

if you need some extra help not through messages, send me a pm on bukkit dev and i will give you my skype id: http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/TekkitCommando/

prodkid commented 9 years ago

Not sure how that happened with my config file but it's fixed now and debug is on. I messaged you on bukkit.

ethsmith commented 9 years ago

ok i added you to skype friend