Hello! I can't use SRI on Laravel 9.6.0, PHP 8.1.4
It writes:
_module "C:/OpenServer/domains/lar.aficionado/node_modules/laravel-mix-sri/build/index"
The module declaration file "laravel-mix-sri" could not be found. "C:/OpenServer/domains/lar.aficionado/nodemodules/laravel-mix-sri/build/index .js" has an implicit type of "any".
Try using the command "npm i --save-dev @types/laravel-mix-ru" if it exists, or add a new declaration file (.d.ts) containing "declare module 'laravel-mix-sri';".ts(7016)
Thanks for the issue. however the problem is with the laravel-mix-sri library. Not the Laravel package.
I would suggest to open an issue in that repository.
Hello! I can't use SRI on Laravel 9.6.0, PHP 8.1.4 It writes: _module "C:/OpenServer/domains/lar.aficionado/node_modules/laravel-mix-sri/build/index" The module declaration file "laravel-mix-sri" could not be found. "C:/OpenServer/domains/lar.aficionado/nodemodules/laravel-mix-sri/build/index .js" has an implicit type of "any". Try using the command "npm i --save-dev @types/laravel-mix-ru" if it exists, or add a new declaration file (.d.ts) containing "declare module 'laravel-mix-sri';".ts(7016)