ElianHugh / rsx

Encapsulated Shiny modules
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data sharing across components #12

Open ElianHugh opened 1 year ago

ElianHugh commented 1 year ago

component data is intentionally isolated from other components so as to encourage comprehensible component hierarchies. however, there are situations where accessing component data externally (and non-hierarchically) is a requirement.

Possible solutions

Hierarchical reactive data

One method of hierarchical and reactive data sharing is via defining reactive values on a top-level component and passing those along to subsequent child components.


y <- component() {
    data = function() {
            a = NULL

x <- component(
    data = function() {
            rctv = shiny::reactiveVal()
    }, template = function(ns) {
        y(data = list(a = self$rctv))

Barring the eventuality of a long chain of data passing, this has issues with understanding how data may mutate

Event bus

Like how vue does it -- basically just an event emitter

x <- event_bus()

Isolated reactives

Wrapper class around shiny::reactiveVal and/or shiny::reactiveValues that isolates value access from the children of components with data. E.g.

x <- component(
    data = function() {
            rctv = rsx::reactive_value()
    }, template = function(ns) {
        y(data = list(a = self$rctv))

y <- component() {
    data = function() {
            a = NULL
    }, methods = list(
        setup = function(input, output, session) {
            print(self$a)              # legal usage
            self$a <- self$a + 1L # illegal usage

stateful object

Object that contains reactive values that can be accessed in any component, similar to vuex

my_store <- shiny::reactiveValues(
    a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3

x <- component(
    data = function() {
        a = my_store$a,
        b = my_store$b,
        c = my_store$c

callback (child to parent)

x <- component(
    data = function() {
            a = 1L,
            update_a = function() {
                self$a <- self$a + 1L
    template = function(ns) {
        y(data = list(cb = update_a))

y <- component() {
    data = function() {
            cb = NULL
    }, methods = list(
        setup = function(input, output, session) {
ElianHugh commented 1 year ago

Leaning toward the idea of isolated reactives, but this would ideally need a nice interface. Some ideas:


data = function() {
        x = reactive_value()

Issues with this approach:

New component property

props = function() {

This creates a nice flow of props to data when passing values. E.g.

x <- component(
    state = function() {
            rctv = 1L
    }, template = function(ns) {
        y(data = list(a = self$rctv))

y <- component() {
    data = function() {
            a = NULL

Also ensures that the state cannot be modified outside the component (because only data can be passed between components)


ElianHugh commented 1 year ago

New component property: state

Steps to implementation:

  1. Add state arguments to component generator functions https://github.com/ElianHugh/rsx/blob/68cca166ae158cce69ebebab378e5075c2167766/R/component.R#L15 https://github.com/ElianHugh/rsx/blob/68cca166ae158cce69ebebab378e5075c2167766/R/component.R#L20-L27 https://github.com/ElianHugh/rsx/blob/68cca166ae158cce69ebebab378e5075c2167766/R/component.R#L35

  2. Add state attribute to component generator function


  1. Add state generator validator (check is function)


  1. Create wrapper class for state values (may have to re-implement shiny accessor methods)

  2. Generate state values inside instance via instantiator function https://github.com/ElianHugh/rsx/blob/68cca166ae158cce69ebebab378e5075c2167766/R/instance.R#L34-L41

  3. Add state values (reactiveVals) to instance self environment https://github.com/ElianHugh/rsx/blob/68cca166ae158cce69ebebab378e5075c2167766/R/instance.R#L50

  4. Create active binding "state" alongside "data" and "method" bindings in instance https://github.com/ElianHugh/rsx/blob/68cca166ae158cce69ebebab378e5075c2167766/R/instance.R#L72-L91

  5. Add testthat tests for state