EliasBelz / Groupiq

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Convert current stuff to view service controller pattern #7

Open EliasBelz opened 2 months ago

EliasBelz commented 2 months ago

Per chatGPT <3

The View-Service-Controller (VSC) paradigm is an architectural pattern used to separate concerns in Flutter applications. It helps organize the codebase by dividing responsibilities among three main components: View, Service, and Controller. Here's a brief overview of each component and its role:


The View is responsible for the UI of the application. It consists of widgets that define the visual structure and appearance of the app.
It should be as stateless as possible, meaning it doesn't handle business logic or state management directly.
Views listen to changes in the data and update the UI accordingly.

Services handle the business logic, data processing, and communication with external data sources (e.g., APIs, databases).
They provide data and perform operations required by the Controller.
Services should be decoupled from the UI and focus solely on the application's business logic.

The Controller acts as an intermediary between the View and the Service.
It handles user inputs, processes them, and updates the View accordingly.
Controllers fetch data from Services and provide it to the View, ensuring the separation of UI and business logic.