ElijahGlover / Umbraco-S3-Provider

Amazon Web Services S3 IFileSystem provider for Umbraco
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VPP is not working #26

Closed sameergalhotra closed 6 years ago

sameergalhotra commented 6 years ago

I am using latest 7.11 umbraco and configured S3 provider with all given steps. Images have been stored in S3 bucket successfully and show thumbnails in backoffice but its not rendering on page from CDN path its still shows local path i.e. " /media/1001/a.jpg" It should be "http://abc.com/media/1001/a.jpg".

If I use database option by making entry in hostname it works fine, but that is not the ideal solution.

kindly help

PhilA1 commented 6 years ago

It should show local path as "/media/1001/a.jpg" but the server should be going directly back to S3 for anything in that folder.

If you want to use a cloudfront CDN url as we did, you will need to have a helper wrapper to transform the path. EG: src=getCdnPath("/media/1001/a.jpg")

sameergalhotra commented 6 years ago

Thanks for replying,

But my issue is that image is not rendering on page because it have local path in src and image is uploaded on S3

I assume to render image from S3 it should have complete path in src of image

PhilA1 commented 6 years ago

no mate, you should not see the fully rendered S3 path. src="/media/.." is mapped on the server using the filesystemproviders config (so media sources point to your S3 bucket) so it shouldnt be a problem. have you configured the FileSystemProviders.config AND the config/imageprocessor/security.config files?

sameergalhotra commented 6 years ago

Yes, I have done those configuration but it's not working

sameergalhotra commented 6 years ago

I have found the issue it only render image when src have width or height in query string.

Thanks for your help

sameergalhotra commented 6 years ago

@PhilA1 As I have mentioned earlier It's rendering images from S3 and have relative path, but I am confused, Is it rendering images directly from cloundfront or request first go to my server and then VPP is getting it to cloudfront URL? If yes then in that case it will always get image from nearest CDN server of my webserver not from user's nearest CDN server.

You have mentioned one helper for cloudfront (getCdnPath("/media/1001/a.jpg").

can you send me that?

PhilA1 commented 6 years ago

Let me clarify, this package does not have anything to do with cloudfront (a CDN), it only uses S3 (cloud storage).

By default your images will always have a relative path "/media/1001/a.jpg". The server will attempt to load the image in the server's "media" folder. BUT, the fileSystemProviders config has "mapped" the media folder to S3, aka "media" folder=S3. Summary: By default your images are showing relative paths in the markup, but are being pulled from an S3 bucket.

Now, if you wish to boost performance you can use cloudfront as a CDN. Go into AWS and create a cloudfront distribution pointing to your S3 bucket. Now you need to write you own helper class to fully qualify your markup urls.

Helper attached. cdnHelper.txt Usage: <img src="@MediaHelper.CdnUrl("/media/1001/a.jpg")">

Hope this helps

sameergalhotra commented 6 years ago

Thanks Phil for your response

I have already done cloudfront configuration

Will use this helper and render absolute path or alternatively make property on root level and use it as suffix in img src

Thanks for time really appreciated :)

saifobeidat commented 4 years ago

Hi @PhilA1, since you are rendering images by that helper which means using direct CDN links (ex: http://d1crpqaf24u8yp.cloudfront.net/media/k21e3gyz/02-11_20-09-55.jpg), Okay, then how will you use ImageProcessing features like: width & height?

PhilA1 commented 4 years ago

I'm guessing we don't. We style to fit the image per device but we will be using the full image sent to the device. We are careful about the size and quality we upload.

saifobeidat commented 4 years ago

@PhilA1 , okay, the idea from that is to generate thumbnails so we can boost the website speed. do you think the CloudFront is enough for this purpose ?

PhilA1 commented 4 years ago

Cloudfront is a cdn, to move the images closer to your users, and so that each user isnt loading the image from the same resource and hindering performance. All I can say is it works for us. Other options are CloudFlare cdn.