/* Exception thrown while deserializing BoolArray
System.InvalidOperationException: Object waarvoor null is toegestaan, moet een waarde hebben.
bij System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
bij UELib.Core.UDefaultProperty.DeserializeDefaultPropertyValue(PropertyType type, DeserializeFlags& deserializeFlags) */
/* Exception thrown while deserializing BoolArray
System.InvalidOperationException: Object waarvoor null is toegestaan, moet een waarde hebben.
bij System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(ExceptionResource resource)
bij UELib.Core.UDefaultProperty.DeserializeDefaultPropertyValue(PropertyType type, DeserializeFlags& deserializeFlags) */
Cause: UE1, UE2 do not support an array of bools, but as of UE3 this had been supported, however the decompiler still assumes the UE2 behavior.
Original code:
Decompilation output:
Cause: UE1, UE2 do not support an array of bools, but as of UE3 this had been supported, however the decompiler still assumes the UE2 behavior.