EliteAsian123 / noa-plus-plugins

Noa Engine... With Plugins!
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got an error using pluggin for huge hills #2

Closed levlups closed 5 years ago

levlups commented 5 years ago

noa-terrain-gen.js:325 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'a_zoom' of undefined

where do I find a_zoom

levlups commented 5 years ago

I tried also to the simplex3d but failed , could you added to the terrain types thanks

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

It sounds like you are using the new genAdvancedTerrain function which I didn't have to time to write about it in the wiki yet. The setup is something like this.

var terrainOptions = {
    a_zoom: 100,
    a_height: 7,
    b_zoom: 50,
    b_height: 3,
    c_zoom: 500,
    c_height: 10

// worldDataNeeded Event
noa.world.on("worldDataNeeded", function (id, data, x, y, z) {
    data = noaTerrainGen.genAdvancedTerrain(id, data, x, y, z, [grassID, dirtID, stoneID], terrainOptions);
    // Tell noa the chunk's terrain data is now set
    noa.world.setChunkData(id, data);

Now to generate the advanced terrain, we create 3 height maps, a, b and c. The zoom of each height map, zooms the height map in, and the height is how much height the terrain can be. Basically here is the math function:

var random = Math.floor((noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) * 
   options.a_height) + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) * 
   options.b_height) + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * 

Also simplex3d would not be good for terrain gen, as it is 3D, but things like clouds would be good 'cause they are 3D. The terrain is actually 2D. Just think about it top-down. The noise.simplex2 generates a height map like this: image The black parts are the deepest and the white parts are the highest. Now imagine putting three of those on top of each other, that's what genAdvancedTerrain does.

Edit: Oh yeah you said you wanted huge hills. Well here is the terrainOptions variable for that:

var terrainOptions = {
    a_zoom: 100,
    a_height: 7,
    b_zoom: 50,
    b_height: 3,
    c_zoom: 500,
    c_height: 100

You can mess around with these settings and get some crazy results. Have fun!

Edit 2: There is also a possibility that you spawn inside the hill in the huge hills.

levlups commented 5 years ago

it worked ,lets try to figuret out caves ect.. I found some reading to help https://github.com/UnknownShadow200/ClassiCube/wiki/Minecraft-Classic-map-generation-algorithm

levlups commented 5 years ago

I tried this after the big hills worked but it failed NoaTerrainGen.prototype.genAdvancedTerrain = function(id, data, x, y, z, blockIDs, options, seed) { var noise = noise.simplex3(x/20, y/50, z/20) if (seed) { noise.seed(seed); } else { noise.seed(this.random); } for (var x1 = 0; x1 < data.shape[0]; ++x1) { for (var z1 = 0; z1 < data.shape[2]; ++z1) { var random = Math.floor((noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) options.a_height) + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) options.b_height) + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height)); for (var y1 = 0; y1 < data.shape[1]; ++y1) {

            if (y1 + y === random + 1&& noise>0.93) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[0]);
            } else if (y1 + y < random + 1 && y1 + y > random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[1]);
            } else if (y1 + y <= random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[2]);
return data;


levlups commented 5 years ago

I used this in colorful example and I was getting massive sick caves var cloudY = 20 var cloudCutoff = .93 ; var noise = simplex.noise3D(x/20, y/cloudY, z/20)

if (y<groundLevel && noise > cloudCutoff/100) return stoneID if (y==groundLevel && noise > cloudCutoff/100 ) {

             if (y <  -4) {
                      if( Math.random()*100<50){

                        return emeraldID
                      return 0;
                      //return stoneID //stoneID
             else  if (y == -4) return dirtlitID
              else if (y == -3) return grassID

             else  if(y<groundLevel){
                return dirtID
EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Okay I'm going to make a separate issue for this, since this one is solved.