EliteAsian123 / noa-plus-plugins

Noa Engine... With Plugins!
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Terrain Generation #3

Open EliteAsian123 opened 5 years ago

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Put all code here for Terrain Generation Ideas.

levlups commented 5 years ago

I did this so far , a little flavor but no caves

NoaTerrainGen.prototype.genAdvancedTerrain = function(id, data, x, y, z, blockIDs, options, seed) { var noiser = noise.simplex3(x+100, y+100, z+100) if (seed) { noise.seed(seed); } else { noise.seed(this.random); } for (var x1 = 0; x1 < data.shape[0]; ++x1) { for (var z1 = 0; z1 < data.shape[2]; ++z1) { var random2 = Math.floor((noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) options.a_height)/2 + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) options.b_height)/2 + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));

        var random = Math.floor((noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) * options.a_height) + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) * options.b_height) + (noise.simplex2((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));
        for (var y1 = 0; y1 < data.shape[1]; ++y1) {

            if (y1 + y === random + 1) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[0]);
            }  else if (y1 + y <= random + 1 && noise >0.3) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[4]);
            }else if (y1 + y < random2 + 1 && y1 + y > random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[1]);
            } else if (y1 + y <= random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[2]);
            } else if (y1 + y <= -6) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[3]);
return data;


EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

What does this code do?

levlups commented 5 years ago

add some color

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

There is usually a number after your username. What is that?

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

The hills are hollow: image

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

I also just updated noa-terrain-gen an made it use another noise generator, apparently more optimized. So some things like where to put the seed is changed

levlups commented 5 years ago

I found the code for the nice caves ut its refusing to connect to simplex2 , heres the code

` var terrainXZ = 80, terrainY = 10 NoaTerrainGen.prototype.generateWorld= function( id, data, x, y, z, blockIDs) {

// populate chunk. xyz is the origin of the chunk in world coords
var dx = data.shape[0]
var dy = data.shape[1]
var dz = data.shape[2]

for (var i=0; i<dx; ++i) {
  for (var k=0; k<dz; ++k) {

    // simple heightmap across x/z
    var cx = (x+i)/terrainXZ
    var cz = (z+k)/terrainXZ

    var height = terrainY *noise.simplex2(cx,cz) >> 0

    height -= 3
    for (var j=0; j<dy; ++j) {
             var noise = noise.simplex3(x+20, y+100, z+20)
      var id = decideBlockID( x+i, y+j, z+k,-6, blockIDs,noiser )

      if (id !== 0) data.set( i,j,k, id )


    // possibly add a tree at this x/z coord

    //tree(chunk, x, y, z, height, i, k)


return data

} decideBlockID= function(x, y, z, groundLevel,block1IDs) {

 // var noise =  noise.simplex3(x/specialnum, y/cloudY, z/specialnum)
 var noise = noise.simplex3(x+20, y+100, z+20)

if (y<groundLevel && noise > cloudCutoff/100) return block1IDs[0]
            if (y==groundLevel && noise > cloudCutoff/100 ) {

             if (y <  -4) {
                      if( Math.random()*100<50){

                        return block1IDs[1]
                      return 0;
                      //return stoneID //stoneID
             else  if (y == -4) return block1IDs[2]
              else if (y == -3) return block1IDs[2]

             else  if(y<groundLevel){
                return block1IDs[3]
            //  console.log(2+y+block1ID)*/
            //  return 2+y+block1ID

        //  }

// }

             // pools of water at low level
if (y === waterLevel) return block1IDs[3]//waterID
if (y < waterLevel) return block1IDs[3]//waterID

// flowers
if (y==groundLevel+1 && y>-3 && y<3 ) {
  var h = hash(x,z)
  if (floor(h*70)===0)

      return block1IDs[0]

// otherwise air
return 0

} }`

levlups commented 5 years ago

in index.js you put this in worlddataneeded

data=noaTerrainGen.generateWorld( id, data, x, y, z,  [grassID, dirtID, stoneID,waterID]) 
EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

It's probably refusing because I switched the library for noise take a look at noa-world-gen

levlups commented 5 years ago

I didnt update to your new library yet

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Oh okay

levlups commented 5 years ago

it says Cannot read property 'simplex2'

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

I recommend updating, as I do not have the old version on hand, there is not much of a difference.

levlups commented 5 years ago


EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Also there are multiple undefined variables. You probably for got to send those along with the code.

levlups commented 5 years ago

wait I have a new code

levlups commented 5 years ago

how about this but too noisy im getting closer

NoaTerrainGen.prototype.genAdvancedTerrain = function(id, data, x, y, z, blockIDs, options) { for (var x1 = 0; x1 < data.shape[0]; ++x1) { for (var z1 = 0; z1 < data.shape[2]; ++z1) { var random = Math.floor((this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) options.a_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) options.b_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height)); for (var y1 = 0; y1 < data.shape[1]; ++y1 ) { if(this.simplexNoise.noise3D((x1+x/20),(y1+y/20),(z1+z/20))>0.3){ if (y1 + y === random + 1) { data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[0]); } else if (y1 + y < random + 1 && y1 + y > random - 5) { data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[1]); } else if (y1 + y <= random - 5) { data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[2]); } }
} } } return data; }

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Keep in mind we have to optimize this for browser use.

levlups commented 5 years ago

ok I think I found a lead can you change that sentence into a simplex3d one

                        var random = Math.floor((this.simplexNoise.noise3D((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) * options.a_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) * options.b_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));

I tried and my braine went ahhhhhhhh

levlups commented 5 years ago

sorry this var random = Math.floor((this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) options.a_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) options.b_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Okay I'll try

levlups commented 5 years ago

thanks your the best ,let me give you a present , if you want your character to fly put this

var hovering = false noa.inputs.bind('hover', 'R') noa.inputs.down.on('hover', function() { hovering = true;

}) noa.inputs.up.on('hover', function() { hovering = false;


var body = noa.entities.getPhysicsBody(noa.playerEntity) noa.on('tick', function(dt) { if (hovering) hover(noa, body); })

function hover(noa, body) { var f = (body.velocity[1] < 0) ? 40 : 24 body.applyForce([0, f, 0]) }

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Okay thanks for the present! Here is the 3D version

var random = Math.floor((this.simplexNoise.noise3D((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (y1 + y) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) * options.a_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise3D((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (y1 + y) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) * options.b_height) (this.simplexNoise.noise3D((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (y1 + y) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));
levlups commented 5 years ago

one step for man , one giant step for....

levlups commented 5 years ago

damn Uncaught TypeError: (this.simplexNoise.noise3D(...) * options.b_height) is not a function

levlups commented 5 years ago

it worked there was a + missing lol

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Oh okay I was scared for a second

levlups commented 5 years ago

man it does affect frame rate

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

yeah, 3D noise is very heavy.

levlups commented 5 years ago

maybe the amount is too high

levlups commented 5 years ago

shoot im going to have to let go of this obsession for now lol

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

lol okay

levlups commented 5 years ago

do you know wath version of babylon your using , because your frame rate and the way your land generates is fast non patchy , and im using a gaming pc

levlups commented 5 years ago

thanks for the help have to go

EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

Sorry I was eating, I am using the latest version of Babylon

levlups commented 5 years ago

I kind of figure it out but I have a problem heres the code

NoaTerrainGen.prototype.genAdvancedTerrain = function(id, data, x, y, z, blockIDs, options) { for (var x1 = 0; x1 < data.shape[0]; ++x1) { for (var z1 = 0; z1 < data.shape[2]; ++z1) { for (var y1 = 0; y1 < data.shape[1]; ++y1) { var random = Math.floor((this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) options.a_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) options.b_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));

            if (y1 + y === random + 1) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[0]);
            } else if (y1 + y < random + 1 && y1 + y > random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[1]);
            } else if (y1 + y <= random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[2]);

return data;


function addBlocksInSphere(data,noa, id, pos, radius) { var rad = Math.ceil(radius) for (var i=-rad; i<=rad; ++i) { for (var j=-rad; j<=rad/2; ++j) { for (var k=-rad; k<=rad; ++k) { if (ii + jj + kk <= radiusradius) {

             // noa.addBlock( id, 
                i + Math.floor(pos[0]), 
                j + Math.floor(pos[1]), 
                k + Math.floor(pos[2]),




ok it works it makes little caves but the have to be in the middle of the chunks ,it it hits the edge it makes a hole in map ,so I need a worm meaning an algorithm that will add air surrounded with blocks so even if it hits an edge it waill add a opaque block there , wath do you think

levlups commented 5 years ago

cant believe github doesnt allow to paste code properly let me try again ` NoaTerrainGen.prototype.genAdvancedTerrain = function(id, data, x, y, z, blockIDs, options) { for (var x1 = 0; x1 < data.shape[0]; ++x1) { for (var z1 = 0; z1 < data.shape[2]; ++z1) { for (var y1 = 0; y1 < data.shape[1]; ++y1) { var random = Math.floor((this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.a_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.a_zoom) options.a_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.b_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.b_zoom) options.b_height) + (this.simplexNoise.noise2D((x1 + x) / options.c_zoom, (z1 + z) / options.c_zoom) * options.c_height));

            if (y1 + y === random + 1) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[0]);
            } else if (y1 + y < random + 1 && y1 + y > random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[1]);
            } else if (y1 + y <= random - 5) {
                data.set(x1, y1, z1, blockIDs[2]);

return data;


function addBlocksInSphere(data,noa, id, pos, radius) { var rad = Math.ceil(radius) for (var i=-rad; i<=rad; ++i) { for (var j=-rad; j<=rad/2; ++j) { for (var k=-rad; k<=rad; ++k) { if (ii + jj + kk <= radiusradius) {

             // noa.addBlock( id, 
                i + Math.floor(pos[0]), 
                j + Math.floor(pos[1]), 
                k + Math.floor(pos[2]),




EliteAsian123 commented 5 years ago

if you want to copy and paste code use this before and after the code: ```js code ```

As you are just doing this: ` code `