EliteMasterEric / EnigmaEngine

A fork of FNF's Kade Engine that combines its QoL features with true mod support and new gameplay enhancements
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Enhancement: [RFC] New Chart Data Format #65

Open EliteMasterEric opened 2 years ago

EliteMasterEric commented 2 years ago


The restrictions of the current chart data format are beginning to become evident. For one, setting mustHit swaps note indexes between CPU and player, which is a MASSIVE pain to deal with in logic. Additionally, there is not place for a lot of the new attributes I want to add.


This is the proposed "new" chart format. Newly created charts in Enigma will save to this format. Old style charts should still be functional in engine.

  // The chart version. Should uniquely identify the format of the chart.
  // Uses semantic versioning.
  "chartVersion": "1.0.0-EE",

  // Information identifying the chart.
  "metadata": {
    // The readable name of the song for this chart.
    "name": "Tutorial",
    // The difficulty for this chart.
    "difficulty": "normal",
    // Tint the background this color when the song is selected.
    "freeplayColor": "#9271FD"
    // needsVoices is redundant, just check if the file exists or not.

  // Information about the chart's gameplay.
  "gameplay": {
    // The strumline size at the start of the song. Defaults to 4, can go up to 9 or down to 1.
    "strumlineSize": 4,

    // The note offset for this chart, in ms. All notes are offset by this amount.
    "noteOffset": 0,

    // The starting BPM for this chart.
    "bpm": 100,

    // The default note style for this song. Can be overridden by notes or by song event.
    // Defaults to "normal". Options include "pixel" or custom styles.
    "noteStyle": "normal",

    // The character used by the player at the start of the song. If empty, no character will be made.
    // This value can be an array; additional entries will call `addCharacter(charId, nextIndex)` and set mode=1 for you.
    "playerChar": "bf",
    // The character used by the opponent at the start of the song. If empty, no character will be made.
    // This value can be an array; additional entries will call `addCharacter(charId, nextIndex)` and set mode=2 for you.
    "cpuChar": "gf",
    // The character used by the background GF at the start of the song. If empty, no character will be made.
    // This value can be an array; additional entries will call `addCharacter(charId, nextIndex)` and set mode=3 for you.
    "gfChar": "",
    // You can specify additional characters to create upon song initialization here; they will be in the default mode=0,
    // which means you'll have to add an `idle` animation and use song scripts to define their animations.
    "additionalChars": [],

    // The scroll speed of the notes in this chart.
    "scrollSpeed": 1

  // The notes for this chart.
  // Sections have been made obsolete with a combination of note parameters and song events, which makes handling notes easier.
  // Irrelevant attributes like typeOfSection and lengthInSteps have simply been stripped completely.
  // - To change mustHit, set the 'c' of the note and set the character to focus the camera on with a "SetCamera" event.
  // - To change BPM, use a "SetBPM" event.
  // - To use alt notes, set the 'a' of the note.
  "notes": [
    // t: time, in ms
    // s: strumline index (0-based, default to 0)
    // c: character (0 = player, 1 = cpu, 2+ used for scripts)
    // a: alt animation for character (0 = default, 1 = alt, 2+ used for scripts)
    // l: length, in ms (for sustain, default to 0)
    // v: variant; the note type ("normal" = default, possibilities include "hazard", "instakill", etc.)
    { "t":  9600, "s": 0, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 10800, "s": 3, "c": 1 }, 
    { "t": 12000, "s": 0, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 13200, "s": 3, "c": 1 }, 

    { "t": 14400, "s": 0, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 15600, "s": 3, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 16800, "s": 0, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 18000, "s": 3, "c": 0 },

    { "t": 19200, "s": 0, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 20400, "s": 3, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 21600, "s": 0, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 22800, "s": 3, "c": 1 },

    { "t": 24000, "s": 0, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 25200, "s": 3, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 26400, "s": 0, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 27600, "s": 3, "c": 0 },

    { "t": 28800, "s": 0, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 30000, "s": 2, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 31200, "s": 1, "c": 1 },
    { "t": 32400, "s": 3, "c": 1 },

    { "t": 33600, "s": 0, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 34800, "s": 2, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 36000, "s": 1, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 37200, "s": 3, "c": 0 },

    { "t": 38400, "s": 1, "c": 1},
    { "t": 39000, "s": 1, "c": 1},
    { "t": 39600, "s": 2, "c": 1},
    { "t": 40800, "s": 1, "c": 1},
    { "t": 41400, "s": 1, "c": 1},
    { "t": 42000, "s": 3, "c": 1},

    { "t": 43200, "s": 1, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 43800, "s": 1, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 44400, "s": 2, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 45600, "s": 1, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 46200, "s": 1, "c": 0 },
    { "t": 46800, "s": 3, "c": 0 },

    { "t": 48000, "s": 1, "c": 1},
    { "t": 48300, "s": 2, "c": 1},
    { "t": 48600, "s": 3, "c": 1},
    { "t": 48900, "s": 2, "c": 1},
    { "t": 49800, "s": 3, "c": 1},

    { "t": 50400, "s": 1, "c": 0},
    { "t": 50700, "s": 2, "c": 0},
    { "t": 51000, "s": 3, "c": 0},
    { "t": 51300, "s": 2, "c": 0},
    { "t": 52200, "s": 3, "c": 0},
    { "t": 52800, "s": 3, "c": 0},
    { "t": 53400, "s": 1, "c": 0},
    { "t": 54000, "s": 0, "c": 0},
    { "t": 54600, "s": 1, "c": 0},
    { "t": 55200, "s": 2, "c": 0},
    { "t": 55800, "s": 3, "c": 0},
    { "t": 56400, "s": 0, "c": 0},
    { "t": 57000, "s": 2, "c": 0},
    { "t": 57600, "s": 1, "c": 0, "l": 750}

  // The events for this chart.
  // Events include things like changing BPM, changing characters, or triggering scripted events.
  // TODO: Which of these should be relegated to the Script event?
  // List of event types:
  // - "SetBPM" (float): Sets the BPM to the given value.
  // - "FollowCamera" [int, float]: Sets the camera to focus on the given character.
  // - "SetCamera" [int, int, float]: Sets the camera to focus on a specific X/Y position with a specific zoom level.
  // - "SetCharacter" [int, int]: Sets the character at the given index to the given character.
  // - "ForceCharacterAnim" [int, string, int]: Forces the animation for a given character to the given animation for the given duration (ms).
  // - "SetCameraBeatRate" (int): Sets the rate at which the camera moves to the beat. Default to every 4 beats, parts of M.I.L.F are every beat. Must be an integer.
  // - "SetHUDBeatRate" (int): Sets the rate at which the HUD moves to the beat. Default to every 4 beats, parts of M.I.L.F are every beat. Must be an integer.
  // - "SetCameraShake" (int): Sets the amount of shake for the camera, in pixels of distance. Remember to set the HUD shake to 0 when you're done.
  // - "SetHUDShake" (int): Sets the amount of shake for the HUD, in pixels of distance. Remember to set the HUD shake to 0 when you're done.
  // - "Script" [string, ...]: Runs the "onEvent" script hook with the given type. Other values are given as arguments.
  //   - Default songs (M.I.L.F., Senpai, etc.) will use "onEvent" to trigger scripted events.
  // - "SetIdleAnim" [int, string]: Sets the idle animation for the given character. The string is the name of the animation from the character's JSON file.
  "events": [
    // t: time, in ms (default to 0)
    // e: event type ("SetBPM", "SetCharacter", "FollowCamera", etc...)
    // v: value(s) (can be a single string/number or an array depending on event type)
    { "t":  9600, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 1 }, // SetCamera (0 = player, 1 = CPU, 2+ = whatever)
    { "t": 14400, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 0 },
    { "t": 19200, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 1 },
    { "t": 24000, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 0 },
    { "t": 28800, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 1 },
    { "t": 33600, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 0 },
    { "t": 38400, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 1 },
    { "t": 43200, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 0 },
    { "t": 48000, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 1 },
    { "t": 50400, "e": "FollowCamera", "v": 0 }

Additional Notes

EliteMasterEric commented 2 years ago

@prokube I'm interested in your thoughts on this and where improvements might be made.

prokube commented 2 years ago


Section 1

This is super cool and would love to see implemented. Obviously we would have to deprecate but still support the more standard FNF chart format (because :sparkles: portability :sparkles: ), but this is really neat and would make a lot of things easier.


Section 1

Maybe we should separate events into a separate "chart" and load them like that. Sort of like what Psych Engine has, but with unique event charts for each difficulty.

Section 2

Oh and also give Normal difficulty a suffix while we're at it because like wtf?? This lets us make a Fallback difficulty kinda. This means if we save, say, tutorial.json to the tutorial folder, that will become the FALLBACK chart if you try to load it in a difficulty it doesn't have. We can do this with the events too if we carry out Although: Section 1. I will probably make these separate issues, though.