ElizabethGreene / 3D-Printable-Die-Filer

An open source 3d printable die filer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Build Log & Feedback #1

Open showerst opened 1 week ago

showerst commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the design! This was great and pretty easy to build. Feedback:

  1. I printed all parts on a Bambu A1 out of PLA, a mix of eSun and Bambu. The fitment was great, and the flexure surprisingly seems OK, time will tell if PLA will work for that long term.
  2. I drilled out the crank pin with a #41 drill to fit the M3 screw, then drilled a small countersink for the head using a larger bit. Ideally there would be an M3 tapping-sized hole (2.5mm?) and a countersink in the model, the screw should self-tap fine.
  3. On my build, the back of some of the files is super close to the back of the hole in the table, so it files away a bit of the table on some strokes. A larger table hole would be good.
  4. I snapped off my first crankshaft because I held the drill at too much of an angle, an alternative crank shaft design with a hole for a 6mm metal rod and a retaining screw would be cool.
  5. This runs surprisingly smoothly, I'm thinking of fitting it to a cheap sewing machine motor with a foot petal if I can find one that's low-speed enough.
  6. I bought these cheap files on amazon and they work fine.
ElizabethGreene commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the feedback.

I have a branch with a tilting table mechanism that also increases the stiffness of the mechanism pretty significantly that I've been working on. I'll double-check the alignment between the file and the hole in the deck.

The sewing machine motor is an excellent idea, and I too split a crankshaft. The drill power system really is a problem. I was trying to keep the part count as low as possible, but I think that's a step too far. I'll work on it.

Do you need a pulley to connect up the sewing machine motor? If so, I can pop one out tonight.

Elizabeth Greene

ElizabethGreene commented 6 days ago

Created issue #2 for crankshaft not including the hole and counterbore for the axial reinforcement screw.