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WikiHow - Backend #22

Closed JarbasAI closed 7 years ago

JarbasAI commented 7 years ago

Questions about "How to do this?" can be answered if we get a backend for www.wikihow.com/Main-Page

Once we have the question parser #21 going we can answer any kind of questions by selecting the correct crawler #9 and backend #4

JarbasAI commented 7 years ago

current tests output:

how to Butcher a Chicken : {u'Store the chicken in a cooler or refrigerator.': None, u'Remove the heart and lungs.': None, u'Cut off the head.': None, u'Rinse the chicken thoroughly.': None, u'Cut off the oil gland.': None, u'Wash the chicken.': None, u'Cook the chicken whole or cut it into parts.': None, u'Remove the guts.': None, u'Open the cavity.': None, u'Remove the neck.': None, u'Cut off the feet.': None, u'Uncover the crop.': None, u'Find the crop.': None}
how to Catch a Chicken : {u'Add bedding to the floor and nesting boxes of the coop.': None, u"Try using a poultry hook if you can't grab a chicken by hand.": None, u'Approach the chicken slowly from behind.': None, u'Grab the chicken.': None, u'Keep regular maintenance of the pen.': None, u'Place roosting rods high in the chicken coop.': None, u'Grasp the chicken.': None, u'Build a secure roof.': None, u'Approach the chicken quietly with a flashlight.': None, u'Build the sides and door of your chicken coop.': None, u'Consider waiting until Nighttime to catch your chicken.': None, u'Build nesting boxes.': None, u'Plan the chicken coop size.': None, u'Prevent chickens from escaping by building a chicken coop.': None, u'Make your flooring.': None, u'Consider making elevation platforms for your chicken coop.': None, u'Bait the chickens.': None}
how to Eat Chicken : {u'Follow the lead of your host.': None, u'Eat chicken with utensils.': None, u'Use your fingers to eat chicken.': None, u'Make creamy chicken salads.': None, u'Serve chicken as a main course.': None, u'Saut\xe9e boneless chicken breasts or thighs.': None, u'Add chicken to pastas.': None, u'Roast a whole chicken.': None, u'Make a chicken sandwich.': None, u'Make deep-fried chicken.': None}


JarbasAI commented 7 years ago

steps are now correctly parsed, we get several how to links depending on the search, choosing the first isnt always accurate

how to boil an egg

How to Hardboil Eggs in a Microwave
step 0 : Place your eggs in a microwave safe bowl.
step 1 : Add water to the bowl.
step 2 : Pour one tablespoon of salt into the bowl.
step 3 : Cook the eggs for up to 12 minutes.
step 4 : Let the eggs cool down before you touch them.
step 5 : Enjoy your hard-boiled eggs.
step 6 : Use this method for safe, even cooking.
step 7 : Lightly grease two bowls.
step 8 : Separate the egg whites and egg yolks.
step 9 : Pierce the egg yolks.
step 10 : Cover each bowl.
step 11 : Cook the white at medium or low power.
step 12 : Cook the yolk for 20 to 30 seconds per yolk.
step 13 : Let the egg stand for two or three minutes.