ElliotTheRobot / LILACS-mycroft-core

Mycroft Core, the Mycroft Artificial Intelligence platform - LILACS Fork
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Concept Net - Backend #30

Open JarbasAI opened 7 years ago

JarbasAI commented 7 years ago


testman suggested this in slack channel, i think this would be a great backend to get node connections


node: frog
is a: [u'frog', u'amphibi', u'adornment', u'amphibian', u'French person', u'capture']
has a: []
used for: []
related to: [u'frog']
desires: []
capable of: [u'leap']
found at: [u'a pond', u'the lawn']
example usage: [u'You are likely to find [[a frog]] in [[a pond]]', u'[[toad]] is related to [[frog]]', u'*Something you find on [[the lawn]] is [[a frog]]', u'An activity [[a frog]] can do is [[leap]]', u'[[A frog]] is [[green]]', u'[[barking frog]] is a type of [[frog]]', u'[[crapaud]] is a type of [[frog]]', u'[[eastern narrow-mouthed toad]] is a type of [[frog]]', u'[[fire-bellied toad]] is a type of [[frog]]', u'[[A frog]] is a kind of [[amphibian ]]', u'[[frog]] is a type of [[adornment]]', u'[[frog]] is a type of [[amphibian]]', u'[[frog]] is a type of [[French person]]', u'[[frog]] is a type of [[capture]]', u'[[leptodactylid frog]] is a type of [[frog]]']
related nodes: [u'a frog', u'toad', u'froggy', u'frog prince', u'leap frog', u'leap frog test', u'frogs', u'A frog', u'barking frog', u'crapaud', u'eastern narrow-mouthed toad', u'fire-bellied toad', u'frog', u'leptodactylid frog']
node: dog
is a: [u'mammal', u'loyal friend', u'pet', u'canine', u'good friend']
has a: [u'four legs', u'fur']
used for: [u'companionship']
related to: [u'pet', u'animal', u'canine']
desires: [u'bone']
capable of: [u'bark', u'guard your house', u'be pet', u'run', u'guide blind person']
found at: [u'kennel', u'table']
example usage: [u'[[dog]] can [[bark]]', u'[[A dog]] can [[guard your house]]', u'[[dog]] is related to [[pet]]', u'[[dog]] is related to [[animal]]', u'You are likely to find [[a dog]] in [[a kennel]]', u'[[a dog]] is a kind of [[mammal]]', u'[[dog]] is related to [[canine]]', u'[[A dog]] can [[be a pet]]', u'[[A dog]] is [[a loyal friend]]', u'[[a dog]] is for [[companionship]]', u'An activity [[a dog]] can do is [[run]]', u'[[a dog]] is a type of [[pet]]', u'*Something you find under [[the table]] is [[the dog]]', u'[[A dog]] has [[four legs]]', u'[[A dog]] can [[guide a blind person]]', u'[[a dog]] wants [[a bone]]', u'[[A dog]] has [[fur]]', u'[[A dog]] is [[a canine]]', u'[[a dog]] is [[a good friend]]']
related nodes: [u'dog']
node: human
is a: []
has a: [u'five fingers on each hand']
used for: []
related to: []
desires: []
capable of: []
found at: [u'school', u'homes', u'workplace', u'library', u'love', u'park', u'church', u'jail', u'space shuttle', u'bus']
example usage: [u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[the school]]', u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[homes]]', u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[a workplace]]', u'[[Human]] have [[five fingers on each hand]]', u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[the library]]', u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[love]]', u'*Something you find at [[a park]] is [[a human]]', u'*Something you find at [[a church]] is [[a human]]', u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[jail]]', u'*Something you find in [[the space shuttle]] is [[a human]]', u'You are likely to find [[a human]] in [[a bus]]']
related nodes: []

node: chicken
is a: [u'food', u'meat']
has a: []
used for: []
related to: [u'bird', u'hen', u'rooster', u'animal', u'farm', u'poultry', u'eggs', u'food', u'fowl', u'egg', u'meat', u'fried', u'wings']
desires: []
capable of: [u'cross road', u'lay eggs', u'produce eggs']
found at: []
example usage: [u'[[chicken]] is related to [[bird]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[hen]]', u'[[the chicken]] can [[cross the road]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[rooster]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[animal]]', u'[[chicken]] is a type of [[food]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[farm]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[poultry]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[eggs]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[food]]', u'[[chicken]] is a type of [[meat]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[fowl]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[egg]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[meat]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[fried]]', u'[[a chicken]] can [[lay eggs]]', u'[[A chicken]] can [[produce eggs]]', u'[[chicken]] is related to [[wings]]']
related nodes: []

node: life
is a: []
has a: []
used for: [u'living']
related to: [u'living']
desires: []
capable of: []
found at: [u'earth', u'surface of earth', u'universe', u'water']
example usage: [u'*Something you find on [[earth]] is [[life]]', u'*Something you find on [[the surface of the earth]] is [[life]]', u'[[Life]] is [[finite]]', u'[[life]] is [[good]]', u'[[Life]] is for [[living]]', u'*Something you find in [[the universe]] is [[life]]', u'[[life]] is related to [[living]]', u'*Something you find in [[the water]] is [[life]]', u'[[life]] is the [[opposite of death]].']
related nodes: []