ElliotTheRobot / LILACS-mycroft-core

Mycroft Core, the Mycroft Artificial Intelligence platform - LILACS Fork
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WordNik - Backend #32

Open JarbasAI opened 7 years ago

JarbasAI commented 7 years ago

another usefull backend is wordnik, this one requires api key https://www.wordnik.com/

the following info can be extracted

subject: human

A member of the genus Homo and especially of the species H. sapiens.
A person:  the extraordinary humans who explored Antarctica. 
A human being, whether man, woman or child.
A human being.
A human being; a member of the family of mankind.

synonym : [u'hominal', u'hominine', u'humanistic', u'earthborn', u'mortal', u'humane', u'earthling', u'clod', u'Christian', u'man']
unknown : [u'Religion & Spirituality', u'Health & Medicine', u'History', u'Science', u'LGBTQ']
equivalent : [u'fallible', u'hominine', u'hominal', u'hominid', u'anthropomorphous', u'earthborn', u'imperfect', u'humanlike', u'anthropomorphic', u'weak']
cross-reference : [u'human sign']
rhyme : [u'Neumann', u'Newman', u'Schuman', u'Schumann', u'Truman', u'acumen', u'albumin', u'bitumen', u'crewman', u'cumin']
etymologically-related-term : [u'humanity', u'humanitarian', u'humane', u'humanitarianism']
same-context : [u'own', u'natural', u'individual', u'young', u'national', u'religious', u'pleonastic', u'ill', u'active', u'every']
antonym : [u'divine', u'devilish', u'superhuman', u'deity', u'animal']

subject: life

The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
The characteristic state or condition of a living organism.
Living organisms considered as a group:  plant life; marine life. 
A living being, especially a person:  an earthquake that claimed hundreds of lives. 
The physical, mental, and spiritual experiences that constitute existence:  the artistic life of a writer. 

hypernym : [u'experience', u'need', u'motive', u'motivation', u'being', u'beingness', u'existence', u'Time', u'prison term', u'sentence']
synonym : [u'animation', u'spirit', u'vivacity', u'vigor', u'energy', u'person', u'biography', u'darling', u'world']
variant : [u'lives']
cross-reference : [u'energy', u'liveliness', u'essence', u'essential', u'equal decrement of life', u'organic life', u'lives in being', u'matter of life and death', u'life annuity', u'still life']
rhyme : [u'Fife', u'co-wife', u'fife', u'knife', u'rife', u'saif', u'strife', u'wife']
same-context : [u'world', u'work', u'power', u'mind', u'love', u'thing', u'day', u'history', u'words', u'heart']