Ellisande / mockolate

Simple mocking framework for JS
MIT License
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arguments questions #5

Closed guyellis closed 8 years ago

guyellis commented 8 years ago

On these 2 lines: https://github.com/Ellisande/mockolate/blob/master/src/mock/mockFunc.js#L12 https://github.com/Ellisande/mockolate/blob/master/src/mock/mockFunc.js#L28 there are: const args = arguments; and const args = _.toArray(arguments);

Why _.toArray() for one and not the other? What's the difference?

Ellisande commented 8 years ago

@guyellis Great question. I should be using _.toArray everywhere. The problem is that arguments returns an object with numeric keys. So if you are doing args[index] things work just fine, but since its not an array it doesn't have length, map, forEach, etc. In the base mock function I wasn't turning it into an array, because it was only being used there and its clear what its being used for. In the when function its being passed further into the stack. I didn't want underlying modules to have to worry about wether what they were getting was really and array or not.

guyellis commented 8 years ago
