Ellpeck / NaturesAura

A Minecraft mod about using Aura for unique mechanics
MIT License
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Ritual of the forest not accepting Lilypad of fertility boost #338

Closed zookeper closed 9 months ago

zookeper commented 9 months ago

I was not sure where to put this, there really isn't a suggestion box, I love this mod, Love playing it with other mods!

I just can't get a neat autocraft setup, I use modular routers to plant saplings and bonemeal but having the router block next to the sapling on ground level causes the sapling to tick more than it needs too and I just can't get an efficient token farm going.

I know this probably sounds redonk but I must automate everything, with little lag and as fast as processing as possible.

I don't think the lilypad boost is coded in, even though 9 lilies under a tree grow the tree almost instantly.

Much love from a big fan!

Ellpeck commented 9 months ago

Hi! The ritual of the forest doesn't change anything about the tree in the center, it just waits for it to grow like any other tree. This means any effects that trees grow based on should still apply.

For growing trees rather quickly, I recommend having a lot of aura in the area so that the plant boost effect can activate and cause the tree to grow much faster.

Good luck either way!

zookeper commented 9 months ago

Using eyes of ender on rose of oblivion, having max mana, still doesn't work.

I'm not sure what the issue is, I can feed it bonemeal and instantly grow it and it still works.

Using lilypad of fertility refuses to trigger the crafting.

Ellpeck commented 9 months ago

Hi! The lilypad of fertility might have custom code that neglects to invoke the SaplingGrowTreeEvent, which is required for the ritual to work. This event is raised by all vanilla mechanics that cause trees to grow, and should also be raised by mods. That's all I can think of unfortunately!