Ellpeck / ObsidianSimpleTimeTracker

Multi-purpose time trackers for your notes!
MIT License
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A way to toggle/see timers in the Mac Menu bar #17

Open manu-facture opened 1 year ago

manu-facture commented 1 year ago

I would love a way to have my current timer in the Mac toolbar and be able to see the current running time there as well being able to start stop the timer there. I really don't know if and how it is possible to interact with obsidian plugins at this place but maybe a first step would be to have the possibility to trigger the last used (current) timer with a hotkey or obsidian command. I think then I could find a way to trigger this from my Mac using automator or something like that (maybe someone has an idea?) :D

This would make my freelancing work so much nicer!

Ellpeck commented 1 year ago

Hi, unfortunately I don't have any devices that use macOS, so I wouldn't be able to test a feature like this at all. Of course, a pull request is welcome if this does end up being possible, as I think the idea might be nice for sure!