ElmarJ / GeoJsonCityBuilder

Unity Package to recreate a 3D-city from a specially crafted geojson file.
MIT License
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Experiment with Blender Geometry Nodes #39

Open ElmarJ opened 2 years ago

ElmarJ commented 2 years ago

Blender 3.0 introduced Geomentry Nodes, which allows (Houdini like) procedural generation of 3D-objects, e.g. depending on dimensions. This could be ideal for the generation of many elements, e.g. bridges, fences and even entire facades.

Unity now has (experimental, beta) support for importing Geometry Nodes (https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.meshsync@0.13/manual/GeometryNodes.html), which opens up this powerful feature for usage in Unity.

Example of how city-generation is accomplished with Houdini: https://www.sidefx.com/tutorials/city-building-with-osm-data/