EloiStree / HelloSharpForUnity3D

Here we are going to check all the basic need to work in Unity3D with C#
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Keyword: Multiline String #408

Open EloiStree opened 1 month ago

EloiStree commented 1 month ago


EloiStree commented 1 month ago

🤖In C#, triple double-quote literals (""") are not directly supported. However, C# does provide similar functionality for multi-line and complex strings through other means. Here’s a summary of how multi-line and complex strings can be handled in C#:

1. Verbatim Strings (@"")

For multi-line strings, you can use verbatim string literals prefixed with the @ symbol. This allows you to include line breaks and special characters directly in the string without needing escape sequences.

string multiLineString = @"This is a multi-line string.
It can span multiple lines.
Special characters like \n and \t are not processed.";

2. String Interpolation with Verbatim ($@"")

You can combine verbatim strings with string interpolation to embed variables and expressions into multi-line strings.

string name = "Alice";
int age = 30;
string interpolatedString = $@"Hello, {name}!
You are {age} years old.
Welcome to the multi-line string world!";

3. Concatenation of String Literals

For very long strings or those needing more complex formatting, you might split them into multiple lines and concatenate them using the + operator.

string longString = "This is a very long string " +
                    "that spans multiple lines " +
                    "but does not include actual line breaks.";

4. Using StringBuilder for Complex Multi-line Strings

For even more complex scenarios, especially when constructing strings dynamically, the StringBuilder class can be used.

using System.Text;

var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("This is a string built using StringBuilder.");
sb.AppendLine("It can span multiple lines and be more flexible.");
sb.Append("You can also append additional content dynamically.");

string result = sb.ToString();


Although C# does not support triple double-quote literals (""") directly, you can use verbatim strings (@"") for multi-line strings, combine it with string interpolation ($@""), and use string concatenation or StringBuilder for more complex scenarios. These methods cover most use cases for handling multi-line and complex strings in C#.