Open EloiStree opened 4 months ago
Character | English Name | French Name | |
[ | Left square bracket | Crochet ouvrant | |
] | Right square bracket | Crochet fermant | |
{ | Left curly bracket | Accolade ouvrante | |
} | Right curly bracket | Accolade fermante | |
( | Left parenthesis | Parenthèse ouvrante | |
) | Right parenthesis | Parenthèse fermante | |
* | Asterisk | Astérisque | |
/ | Forward slash | Barre oblique (slash) | |
+ | Plus sign | Signe plus | |
- | Hyphen/minus sign | Tiret/signe moins | |
% | Percent sign | Pour cent (pourcentage) | |
\ | Backslash | Antislash/barre oblique inversée | |
Vertical bar/pipe | Barre verticale/tube | ||
^ | Caret | Accent circonflexe | |
< | Less than sign | Signe inférieur | |
> | Greater than sign | Signe supérieur | |
~ | Tilde | Tilde | |
! | Exclamation mark | Point d'exclamation | |
= | Equals sign | Signe égal | |
?? | Null coalescing operator | Opérateur de coalescence nulle | |
? | Question mark | Point d'interrogation | |
, | Comma | Virgule | |
; | Semicolon | Point-virgule | |
: | Colon | Deux-points | |
. | Period/full stop | Point | |
` | Grave accent | Accent grave | |
´ | Acute accent | Accent aigu | |
_ | Underscore | Tiret bas | |
- | Hyphen | Tiret | |
@ | At symbol | Arobase | |
# | Number sign/hash | Dièse | |
" | Quotation mark | Guillemets/quotation | |
' | Apostrophe | Apostrophe | |
& | Ampersand | Esperluette/et commercial |
and }
: Block delimiters for classes, methods, namespaces, and control flow structures.[
and ]
: Array indexing, attribute application, and indexer declarations.(
and )
: Parameter lists, method calls, and expression grouping.+
: Addition, string concatenation, unary plus.-
: Subtraction, unary negation.*
: Multiplication, pointer declaration./
: Division.%
: Modulus (remainder).++
: Increment.--
: Decrement.+=
: Addition assignment.-=
: Subtraction assignment.*=
: Multiplication assignment./=
: Division assignment.%=
: Modulus assignment.&
: Bitwise AND, reference.|
: Bitwise OR.^
: Bitwise XOR.~
: Bitwise complement.<<
: Left shift.>>
: Right shift.&=
: Bitwise AND assignment.|=
: Bitwise OR assignment.^=
: Bitwise XOR assignment.<<=
: Left shift assignment.>>=
: Right shift assignment.==
: Equality.!=
: Inequality.>
: Greater than.<
: Less than.>=
: Greater than or equal to.<=
: Less than or equal to.&&
: Logical AND.||
: Logical OR.!
: Logical negation.??
: Null-coalescing.?:
: Ternary conditional.=
: Assignment.;
: Statement terminator.:
: Label, base class or interface specification, ternary conditional separator.,
: Parameter, argument, or array element separator..
: Member access, decimal point.->
: Pointer to member access.=>
: Lambda operator.??=
: Null-coalescing assignment.$
: String interpolation.@
: Verbatim string literal, identifier prefix.#
: Preprocessor directive.\\
: Escape sequence in strings.\"
: Escape sequence for double quote in strings.\'
: Escape sequence for single quote in characters.\n
: Escape sequence for new line.\t
: Escape sequence for tab._
: Used in discard patterns and variable names.//
: Single-line comment./* */
: Multi-line comment.#define
: Define a symbol.#undef
: Undefine a symbol.#if
, #elif
, #else
, #endif
: Conditional compilation.#error
: Generate an error.#warning
: Generate a warning.#region
, #endregion
: Code region.#pragma
: Compiler-specific instructions."
: String delimiter.'
: Character delimiter.🤖
: Null-coalescing operator.?.
: Null-conditional member access operator.?[
: Null-conditional index operator.::
: Qualified alias member (used with namespaces and type names).$"..."
: String interpolation.@"..."
: Verbatim string literal.\a
: Bell/alert.\b
: Backspace.\f
: Form feed.\r
: Carriage return.\v
: Vertical tab.\u
: Unicode escape sequence (e.g., \u0041
for 'A').\U
: Unicode escape sequence for characters outside the BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane).\x
: Hexadecimal escape sequence.\0
: Null character (NUL).\?
: Question mark in character and string literals.\
: Escape character._
: Digit separator in numeric literals (e.g., 1_000_000
: Triple-slash comments for XML documentation.<![CDATA[...]]>
: CDATA section in XML comments.<summary>...</summary>
: XML documentation summary.<remarks>...</remarks>
: XML documentation remarks.<param name="...">...</param>
: XML documentation parameter.<returns>...</returns>
: XML documentation return value.value
: Used in property set accessor to represent the value being assigned.var
: Implicitly typed local variable.dynamic
: Dynamically typed variable.async
: Marks an asynchronous method.await
: Awaits the completion of an asynchronous task.using
: Importing namespaces.namespace
: Declaring a namespace.extern
: Indicating external methods.partial
: Defining partial classes or methods.yield
: Returning values from an iterator.fixed
: Declaring fixed-size buffers.unsafe
: Indicating an unsafe context.lock
: Synchronization statement.sealed
: Preventing inheritance.[attribute]
: Applying attributes to code elements.[assembly: attribute]
: Applying attributes at the assembly level.<T>
: Declaring generic types and methods.<c>
: Inline code documentation.<code>
: Block of code documentation.<example>
: Example code documentation.<exception>
: Exception documentation.<include>
: Including external XML documentation.<inheritdoc>
: Inheriting documentation from base class.<list>
: List documentation.<paramref>
: Parameter reference documentation.<permission>
: Permission documentation.<remarks>
: Additional remarks documentation.<returns>
: Return value documentation.<see>
: Cross-reference documentation.<seealso>
: Additional cross-reference documentation.<summary>
: Summary documentation.<typeparam>
: Type parameter documentation.<value>
: Property value documentation.