EloiStree / HelloSharpForUnity3D

Here we are going to check all the basic need to work in Unity3D with C#
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Topic: How do we call them . , ; () {} [] #7

Open EloiStree opened 1 month ago

EloiStree commented 1 month ago
Character English Name French Name
[ Left square bracket Crochet ouvrant
] Right square bracket Crochet fermant
{ Left curly bracket Accolade ouvrante
} Right curly bracket Accolade fermante
( Left parenthesis Parenthèse ouvrante
) Right parenthesis Parenthèse fermante
* Asterisk Astérisque
/ Forward slash Barre oblique (slash)
+ Plus sign Signe plus
- Hyphen/minus sign Tiret/signe moins
% Percent sign Pour cent (pourcentage)
\ Backslash Antislash/barre oblique inversée
Vertical bar/pipe Barre verticale/tube
^ Caret Accent circonflexe
< Less than sign Signe inférieur
> Greater than sign Signe supérieur
~ Tilde Tilde
! Exclamation mark Point d'exclamation
= Equals sign Signe égal
?? Null coalescing operator Opérateur de coalescence nulle
? Question mark Point d'interrogation
, Comma Virgule
; Semicolon Point-virgule
: Colon Deux-points
. Period/full stop Point
` Grave accent Accent grave
´ Acute accent Accent aigu
_ Underscore Tiret bas
- Hyphen Tiret
@ At symbol Arobase
# Number sign/hash Dièse
" Quotation mark Guillemets/quotation
' Apostrophe Apostrophe
& Ampersand Esperluette/et commercial
EloiStree commented 1 month ago


Braces and Brackets


Comparison and Logical Operators

Other Symbols


Preprocessor Directives

String Literals

EloiStree commented 1 month ago


Additional Operators

Interpolated String and Verbatim String Characters

Escape Sequences in Strings

Miscellaneous Characters

Numeric Literals

XML Documentation Comments

Contextual Keywords

Directive Keywords

Attribute-related Symbols

Generic Type Parameters

Documentation Tags