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Topic: Optimisation research #52

Open EloiStree opened 4 years ago

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Ok plan to make a recap on the performance you need to keep in mind for your game for artist mainly and a bit for developer.

So... Here is a post about what i found on the web on the subject.

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

How to improve game perfromance | Unity 2019

Youtube Video


Update game state

Both GPU & CPU

Out of Unity

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Remind me of tips I used

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Reminder: ms milliseconds

60 fps = 60 frame/seconds 120 fps = 8.3 ms 70 fps = 14.3 ms 60 fps =16 ms 55 fps = 18 ms 45 fps =22.2 ms

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Can we use Post-Processing in VR ?


EloiStree commented 4 years ago

GPU & CPU ? What the difference ?

CPU will do one task at a time on what we call a thread. GPU will do the a computable task to a large prepared group of data in the graphic card. Youtube Video

What a Shader ?

The basic


Eyes Porn Shader


Compute shader

Youtube Video Youtube Video Youtube Video

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Previous Unity workshop on the subject Link

AAA for VR

Youtube Amsterdam AAA VR [Full list of the photo here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TI-X7T4Dh67LKkINNmpfvuofxn3RCUhHVNInaRRUsw/edit?usp=sharing)_

Gear VR Performance

When I was working with Gear VR, I had a project to check the boundary of it. The Galaxy Note 4 had in Unity 5 a bit bottle neck at 200 drawcall that I don't always find in following phone

Topic Limit State of phone
Drawcall <100 You are good but remeber that you have two camera so 50 max
Drawcall >100 The Gear VR start to have performance issue
Drawcall >160 You are definitely not in the > 60 FPS anymore
Trianble <50.000 You are good to go
Trianble <100.000 You start to play with fire
Trianble >100.000 Depending of your project you start to have problem
Trianble >250.000 You won't have your 60 FPS anymore

Max triangle 65.000

In unity object can only make 65.000 triangles max object. Meaning that you will have for a house of 200.000 triangles.

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Unity Profiler


Demo of how to read information: Youtube Video

Full conference on the subject: Youtube Video

Wi-Fi Unity Profiler

You can profile in development build if you check it/

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

C# Optimisation with Unity

Unity Tips & Trick blog about it

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Unity Conference on Optimisation


For Mobile

Youtube Video

Content (Advance/Prog)

Youtube Video](https://youtu.be/n-oZa4Fb12U?t=94)


for Beginner

Youtube Video

High Performance C# Script with Job System (Advance / Prog)

Youtube Video


EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Tmp List: to watch when I have time

EloiStree commented 4 years ago


EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Vertex Color

Default Alt
Youtube Search: Vertex Coloring

You can use Vertex Colored asset to optimized some part of your game

Occlusion Culling

Default Alt

LOD: Level of detail

Default Alt

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Mesh Baking & Atlas

Mesh Baking

Using Mesh Baker

MeshBaking Using Mesh Baker in Unity


Sprite example: Atlas Atlas
Image Image

In Blender

Img The tutorial: https://www.creativeshrimp.com/game-level-texturing-texture-atlas-part-35.html

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Blogs found

Old but gold


EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Play with Quality Parameters

Video about the Quality Settings Youtube Video

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Tips & Trick

2D Mobile

Youtube Video

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Indian accent

You know ^^... Those video you don't want to hear but they rocked the subject.

Optimisatoin (Complete course, 48 min)

Youtube Video

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

GPU Instancing

Youtube Video

One Mesh Pool (My old alternative , time consuming)

Youtube Video Sketchab - Unity Code Demo

  1. Create a Blender with all the objects in row.
  2. Link bones to each objects
  3. Export in Unity
  4. Use a pooling system to access the bone representation to move.
  5. Create script to access them and move them with the empty object linked to them




EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Only video on the Quest

Unity 2018 Conf

Youtube Video

Must watch video 😁

Default Alt

  1. Don't make realistic game
  2. Don't use post-processing
  3. Adjust Project setting
  4. Turn GPU instancing on materials
  5. Combine your meshs (easy combine & Mesh Gamer)
  6. Use Google Seurat
  7. Amplify Impostors
  8. Use Static lighting & Baking
  9. Occlusion Culling
  10. Remove Detail When needed
  11. Use More Effective Coroutine More

Did not watch yet

EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Top 10 Modeling tip for VR

Default Alt

  1. Build to scale
  2. Think like a designer
  3. Pixels over Polygons (Reduce Poly Count) Exception transparency
  4. Sharing data is caring
  5. Use Event texel density
  6. Careful with normal maps
  7. Don't count on reflection
  8. Cut it out with the cutouts (Transparent)
  9. Bake Everything
  10. Use LOD Recap
EloiStree commented 4 years ago

Baking Light

(Missing post about it, don't like light ;) )