EloiStree / HelloWarcraftQAXR

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Topic: How to read memory around a given address #81

Open EloiStree opened 5 months ago

EloiStree commented 5 months ago


EloiStree commented 5 months ago


Tool Description
WinDbg Powerful debugger for Windows, useful for memory and code analysis.
IDA Pro Disassembler and debugger with advanced features for reverse engineering.
x64dbg Open-source debugger for Windows with a user-friendly interface.
OllyDbg Popular debugger for Windows, suitable for beginners.
GDB (GNU Debugger) Cross-platform debugger for Unix-like systems, supports multiple languages.
Immunity Debugger Debugger with a Python API, designed for analyzing binaries and malware.
Radare2 Open-source framework for reverse engineering, including a disassembler and debugger.
Cheat Engine Memory inspection and manipulation tool, commonly associated with game cheating.
Process Explorer Windows Sysinternals tool providing detailed information about processes, including memory usage.
Sysinternals Suite Collection of advanced system utilities for Windows, including tools like Procmon and Autoruns.
Frida Dynamic instrumentation toolkit that allows you to inject scripts into running processes.
Wireshark Network protocol analyzer that can capture and analyze data, including memory-related interactions.
IDA Free Free version of IDA Pro offering limited features for basic analysis.
PyDbg Python library for Windows that provides debugging primitives, including memory access.
Manticore Symbolic execution tool for binary analysis, including memory analysis.
YARA Tool for pattern matching in files and streams, can be adapted for memory analysis.
Scylla and OllyDumpEx Tools for dumping the memory of a process, commonly used in reverse engineering.
dnSpy .NET debugger and assembly editor, useful for analyzing .NET applications.
Voltron Debugger UI for GDB and LLDB, providing a modular interface for visualizing and interacting.
Wireshark Network packet analyzer, also useful for inspecting network-related memory interactions.
ProcDump Windows Sysinternals utility for capturing process dumps based on various triggers.
API Monitor Tool for monitoring and displaying API calls made by applications, aiding memory analysis.
Ghidra Open-source reverse engineering framework with disassembly, decompilation, and scriptability.
Memoryze Memory analysis tool by FireEye for incident response and forensic analysis.
IDA Free Free version of IDA Pro, offering limited features but suitable for basic analysis.
x64dbg Open-source debugger for Windows with a graphical interface, ideal for beginners.
Ghidra Powerful, open-source reverse engineering framework with a user-friendly interface.
OllyDbg Popular debugger for Windows, widely used and relatively user-friendly.
Wireshark Network protocol analyzer with a graphical interface, suitable for memory interaction analysis.
Volatility Open-source memory forensics framework, powerful but may have a steeper learning curve.
IDA Free Free version of the IDA Pro disassembler, offering basic features for reverse engineering.
x64dbg User-friendly, open-source debugger for Windows, suitable for beginners.
GDB (GNU Debugger) Cross-platform debugger with support for multiple languages and platforms.
LDB (LLDB Debugger) Debugger that is part of the LLVM project, commonly used on macOS and Linux.
Memoryze Volatility plugin for memory analysis, aiding in identifying injected code and modifications.
Yara-python Python interface to YARA for pattern matching in memory.
Binwalk Tool for analyzing and extracting firmware images, useful for memory analysis in embedded systems.
Rekall Framework Open-source memory analysis framework for live analysis on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Sysdig Container-native monitoring and troubleshooting tool, useful for system and application memory analysis.
Scapy Python-based interactive packet manipulation program and library for network traffic analysis.
R2Pipe Utilities that allow Radare2 to be used as a library, enabling scripting and automation.
Pwndbg GDB plugin for exploit development and reverse engineering, enhancing GDB for memory analysis.
Malfind Volatility plugin for identifying injected code and suspicious modifications in process memory.
Yara-python Python interface to YARA, allowing pattern matching in memory.
HeapDump Tool for capturing and analyzing heap memory dumps, helpful in identifying memory-related issues.
BinDiff Binary code analysis tool for identifying and understanding changes between different versions.
medusa Disassembler designed for malware analysis, aiding in understanding code flow and function calls.
Reversing Labs Titanium Platform Commercial platform for threat intelligence and analysis, including memory analysis capabilities.
Redline by FireEye Tool for endpoint security and analysis, including memory analysis features for incident response.