EloiStree / HelloWarcraftQAXR

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Topic, Workshop idea: Create a Git workshop on how to track the state of a guilde bank in wow. #86

Open EloiStree opened 8 months ago

EloiStree commented 8 months ago

The idea would be to create an addon that check the state of guild bank and player bank in wow account. The data would be extracted from a LUA code in addon that genrate text to copy past.

The workshop would be to keep track of the bank of every player in the guild and to manage conflict in git on the guild bank files.

EloiStree commented 8 months ago

Function you have access to in LUA

Guild AcceptGuild() - The player accepts the invitation to join a guild. BuyGuildCharter("guildName") - Purchases a guild charter for 'guildName'. CanEditGuildEvent() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit guild events (in the calendar). CanEditGuildInfo() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit the guild info CanEditMOTD() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit the guild motd. CanEditOfficerNote() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit a guild member's officer note. CanEditPublicNote() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit a guild member's public note. CanGuildDemote() - Returns true if you are allowed to demote a guild member. CanGuildInvite() - Returns true if you are allowed to invite a new member to the guild. CanGuildPromote() - Returns true if you are allowed to promote a guild member. CanGuildRemove() - Returns true if you are allowed to remove a guild member. CanViewOfficerNote() - Returns true if you are allowed to view a Officer Note. CloseGuildRegistrar() CloseGuildRoster() CloseTabardCreation() DeclineGuild() - The player declines the invitation to join a guild. GetGuildCharterCost() - Returns the cost of purchasing a guild charter. GetGuildEventInfo(index) - Returns the event information. (added 2.3) GetGuildInfo("unit") - This function returns the name of the guild unit belongs to. GetGuildInfoText() - Returns the persistant Guild Information data. (added 1.9) GetGuildRosterInfo(index) - This function is used to get info on members in the guild. GetGuildRosterLastOnline(index) - Returns time since last online for indexth member in current sort order. GetGuildRosterMOTD() - Returns guild's MOTD. GetGuildRosterSelection() - Returns the index of the current selected guild member. GetGuildRosterShowOffline() - Returns true if showing offline members of the guild. GetNumGuildEvents() - Returns the number of guild events. (added 2.3) GetNumGuildMembers() - Returns the total and online number of guild members. GetTabardCreationCost() - Returns cost in coppers. GetTabardInfo() GuildControlAddRank("name") - Add another rank called "name". Only Guildmaster. GuildControlDelRank("name") - Delete rank "name". Only Guildmaster. GuildControlGetNumRanks() - Returns number of ranks after guild frame open. Any guild member can use this. GuildControlGetRankFlags() - Returns list of values for each permission for a select rank (default rank 1). GuildControlGetRankName(index) - Returns name of the rank at index. Any guild member can use this. GuildControlSaveRank("name") - Saves the permissions for rank "name". Only Guildmaster. GuildControlSetRank(rank) - Sets the currently selected rank to view. GuildControlSetRankFlag(index, enabled) - Enable/disable permission for an action at index. Only Guildmaster. GuildDemote("name") - Demotes a player "name". GuildDisband() - Disbands at once your guild. You must be the guild's leader to do so. Be careful, no warning is given prior disbanding. GuildInfo() - Displays information about the guild you are a member of. GuildInvite("name") - Invites a player to your guild. GuildLeave() - Removes you from your current guild. GuildPromote("name") - Promotes a player "name". GuildRoster() - Fetches the guild list and fires a GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event. GuildRosterSetOfficerNote(index, "note") - Sets the officer note at index to "note". GuildRosterSetPublicNote(index, "note") - Sets the public note at index to "note". GuildSetMOTD("note") - Set Guild Message of the Day to "note". GuildSetLeader("name") - Transfers guild leadership to another character. GuildUninvite("name") - Removes the member "name". IsGuildLeader("name") - Determine if player "name" is a guild master. IsInGuild() - Lets you know whether you are in a guild. QueryGuildEventLog() - Fetches the guild event list and fires a GUILD_EVENT_LOG_UPDATE event. (added 2.3) SetGuildInfoText() - Sets the persistant Guild Information data. Limit is 500 letters (GuildInfoEditBox is limited to this number). Longer texts are possible, but will be reseted during the day. (added 1.9) SetGuildRosterSelection(index) - Selects/deselects a guild member according current sorting order. SetGuildRosterShowOffline(enabled) - Sets/Resets the show offline members flag. SortGuildRoster("sort") - Sorts guildroster according "sort". Any unknown values sort on "name". UnitGetGuildXP("unit") - Returns information about guild experience for the guild unit belongs to. Guild Bank All functions were added in 2.3.

AutoStoreGuildBankItem(tab, slot) - Withdraws an item from the bank, and automatically stores it in the player's inventory. BuyGuildBankTab() - Buys a guild bank tab, without confirmation. CanGuildBankRepair() - Returns 1 if the player is allowed to pay for repairs with guild bank funds CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney() - Returns 1 if the player is allowed to withdraw funds from the guild bank (does not require proximity to the guild bank) CloseGuildBankFrame() - Closes the guild bank frame DepositGuildBankMoney(money) - Deposits "money" amount in copper. GetCurrentGuildBankTab() - Integer of selected tab, >= 1 GetGuildBankItemInfo(tab, slot) - Returns texture, amount and integer 1 or nil depending on locked state GetGuildBankItemLink(tab, slot) - Returns itemLink GetGuildBankMoney() - Integer, funds available in copper. GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction(index) - No bank proximity required, however QueryGuildBankLog function requires proximity. GetGuildBankTabCost() - Integer OR nil - cost in copper OR no tabs available to buy GetGuildBankTabInfo(tab) - Returns the name and icon of the guild bank tab queried. GetGuildBankTabPermissions(tab) - Gets display / player's access info. Limited data available without bank proximity. GetGuildBankText(tab) - Returns text associated with the given guild bank tab GetGuildBankTransaction(tab, index) - Requires Guild Bank Proximity GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit() - Returns withdraw limit for currently selected rank in guild control (renamed from 'GetGuildBankWithdrawLimit' 4.0) REMOVED 5.1.0 RENAMED 4.0 GetGuildBankWithdrawLimit() - Returns withdraw limit for currently selected rank in guild control. (renamed 'GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit' 4.0)(removed 5.1.0) GetGuildTabardFileNames() GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions() - Returns number of money log entries GetNumGuildBankTabs() - Integer count of bought tabs, >= 0. No bank proximity required. GetNumGuildBankTransactions(tab) - Returns number of log transactions for tab "tab" PickupGuildBankItem(tab, slot) - Picks up an item from the guild bank PickupGuildBankMoney(money) - Picks up "money" copper from the guild bank QueryGuildBankLog(tab) - Updates bank log data from the server, called before all transaction functions. "Money tab" is MAX_GUILDBANK_TABS+1 QueryGuildBankTab(tab) - Updates bank tab data from the server, called before all item functions. SetCurrentGuildBankTab(tab) - Select different bank tab in the UI SetGuildBankTabInfo(tab, name, iconIndex) - Modifies name and icon for tab SetGuildBankTabPermissions(tab, index, enabled) - Modifies the permissions for the GuildBankTab. Guild Leader Only. SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit(amount) - Sets the gold withdraw limit from the guild bank. Guild Leader Only. (renamed from 'SetGuildBankWithdrawLimit' 4.0) REMOVED 5.1.0 RENAMED 4.0 SetGuildBankWithdrawLimit(amount) - Sets the gold withdraw limit from the guild bank. Guild Leader Only. (renamed 'SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit' 4.0)(removed 5.1.0) SplitGuildBankItem(tab, slot, amount) - Picks up part of a stack WithdrawGuildBankMoney(money) - Withdraws "money" copper from the guild bank