Closed LPeng111 closed 1 year ago
Can you show me the logs from running.
I also got the same error!
[ASUS_Z01QD::com.facebook.katana ]-> [][+] Hooked checkTrustedRecursive [][+] Found at: 0xd0614000 [*][+] Hooked function: _ZN8proxygen15SSLVerification17verifyWithMetricsEbP17x509_store_ctx_stRKNSt6__ndk212basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEPNS0_31SSLFailureVerificationCallbacksEPNS0_31SSLSuccessVerificationCallbacksERKNS_15TimeUtilGenericINS3_6chrono12steady_clockEEERNS_10TraceEventE
Facebook app says no internet connection
@guytshewlir , I've updated the script to do one additional patch, currently only for arm64 and x86.
I've tested it on the latest version v394.
and it's working :) . Let me know if you have any problems
Hello, I installed the patched apk([facebook-v373.]) on my device, and it worked very good. But when I use burpsuite to intercept(I switched off intercept), the app shows that the network is unreachable.
Could you please tell me what the reason is and how I should solve it?