EltonChou / TwitterMediaHarvest

Download twitter media with only one-click.
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file rename incorretly and unable to save file corretly[BUG] #170

Closed minecraftyusei closed 1 month ago

minecraftyusei commented 1 month ago

i am using google translation,sorry for my english.

Describe the bug Unable to save the file to the program's default folder "twitter media harvest" but save file in the google default folder.

And the name of the picture changed. "_orig" appears in the filename, and changes filename like that: GPiagoqbUAA8_NW.jpg------GPiagoqbUAA8_NW,jpg_orig

I am sure I have never changed the settings of the program and in my chrome there is no other download program work.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'chromewebstore'
  2. Install the TwitterMediaHarvest extension on the browser
  3. go to twitter/x, and find any post to download from
  4. the file was renamed like "GPiagoqbUAA8_NW,jpg_orig" and was saved to the google default folder but not the folder"twitter media harvest"

Expected behavior Getting my videos/images renamed and downloaded correctly.

Screenshots 屏幕截图 2024-06-08 180122 as you can see,I click download just several minutes ago, and it was renamed like this and this picture was saved into "googledownload", which is my default download folder for Google.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

minecraftyusei commented 1 month ago

屏幕截图 2024-06-08 182654

EltonChou commented 1 month ago

Please temporarily disable other extensions then try again. It will cause race condition if any extension use this API

minecraftyusei commented 1 month ago

Please temporarily disable other extensions then try again. It will cause race condition if any extension use this API

Thank you for your reply! The filename seems to be right!