Adding an aura to a creature after PerformIngameSpawn will not be applied.
It does however apply when I wait a couple of milliseconds (around 200ms).
No errors or anything, just .. Not being applied.
local creature = PerformIngameSpawn(1, -- 1 for creature
entry, -- Boss entry ID
bossCoord.Map, -- Map ID
0, -- Instance ID
bossCoord.X, -- X Pos
bossCoord.Y, -- Y Pos
bossCoord.Z, -- Z Pos
bossCoord.Orientation -- Orientation
creature:SetHealth(creature:GetMaxHealth()) -- Works
creature:AddAura(500000, creature) -- Does not work (will never be applied)
Pretty much nothing works immediately after, things such as
Adding an aura to a creature after PerformIngameSpawn will not be applied.
It does however apply when I wait a couple of milliseconds (around 200ms).
No errors or anything, just .. Not being applied.
Pretty much nothing works immediately after, things such as
Does not work either. Meaning it never starts attacking the player, not is it in combat with the player.