ElvUI-Cataclysm / ElvUI-4.3.4

ElvUI for World of Warcraft - Cataclysm (4.3.4)
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Nameplates #38

Closed brolio closed 6 years ago

brolio commented 6 years ago

With the new update the background glow around nameplates when it gets targeted goes over the nameplate's borders, it fixes itself when you right click to move the camera though.

Apollyonn commented 6 years ago

https://gyazo.com/4aa9eb2d08a56f34dd89fade37b5035e ??

Apollyonn commented 6 years ago

Set Multisampling to 1 1111

brolio commented 6 years ago

this i what i was referring to https://imgur.com/MoxMula by the way i have set multisampling to 1x