ElvUI-Cataclysm / ElvUI-4.3.4

ElvUI for World of Warcraft - Cataclysm (4.3.4)
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Bags not updating items when closed (2.93) #78

Closed ryandotnet closed 2 years ago

ryandotnet commented 2 years ago

With the addition of the stack button in bags in 2.93:

The bag does not refresh if it is closed until the item(s) is / are moved.

I.e if you loot with the bag closed, it won't show the item (icon). If you hover over the "empty" icon, it will show the tooltip. It will appear once you pick it up and move it to another slot.

If you leave the bag open, it is fine.

This applies to gaining items in anyway, including stackable items (item count will not update until moved).