ElvishArtisan / rivendell

A full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments
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Rivendell 4.0 Beta 3 Rdairplay with integrated voicetracker (vy nice) #739

Closed RudiOnTheAir closed 2 years ago

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

To be sure, don't know when to use it.. Maybe to create as DJ VTs in a livesituation for the next hour...?!

One problem. The waveform is not visible and has a black background. I've installed on a virt desktop on top of Ubuntu Studio..

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

mmmm??? .... now I'm missing where/whow does VT spawns from RDAirplay .... how you get it? I don't see any button in RDAirplay to open VT

CWJR commented 2 years ago

Voice tracker has always been in RD Log Edit.

ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

mmmm??? .... now I'm missing where/whow does VT spawns from RDAirplay .... how you get it? I don't see any button in RDAirplay to open VT

It doesn't fit into the available real estate if you're running RDAirPlay with its minimum window size, so the button to select it is not offered in that situation either. Try maximizing the window. You should then see a 'Voice Tracker' button appear alongside the log selector buttons.

ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

To be sure, don't know when to use it.. Maybe to create as DJ VTs in a livesituation for the next hour...?!

Yup. That workflow is very much a thing at some facilities.

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

Uh, that seems to be a question off resolution from sceen. On my privat 1240x1024 screen i can't see that button too. But on my jobs screen with 1900x1080 it is visible.. :) My Testsystem is running on a virt. KVM Server, so i just change the res to my needs.


RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

On my virt. system i can't see the waveform. Black is beautiful, but in this situation...;) grafik

ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

The waveform is not visible and has a black background. I've installed on a virt desktop on top of Ubuntu Studio..

Well, that's a lovely little regression! Confimed here.

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

Screenshot at 2021-10-18 10-54-03 Strangely, in my install, waveforms do show as expected...again, pesky qt5 theme issues

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

What is that for a desktop inviroment? In addition, in my beta3 testsystem i can't record without crashing all rd components. Happen in vt and record to cut in rdlibrary. And where i can set the user logo? ;)

ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

In addition, in my beta3 testsystem i can't record without crashing all rd components. Happen in vt and record to cut in rdlibrary.

Tell us a bit about your audio setup. Are you using JACK, ALSA or HPI (AudioScience). What hardware?

And where i can set the user logo? ;)

RDAdmin->ManageHosts->hostname->RDAirPlay. See the 'Logo Image' setting under 'Display Settings'.

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

What is that for a desktop inviroment?

Hi! Its no desktop environment... For application-specific systems (such as a Rivendell system) I learnt to stick to bare window-manager (openbox) together with a set of companion apps/packages, so the system becomes a kinda single-purpose appliance (very little RAM and installation disk space footprint) easy to clone/distribute

Screenshot at 2021-08-27 13-57-56 4.x looks gorgeous!!! and is, by default far more friendly to dark themeing that 3.X was.

Screenshot at 2021-09-01 15-32-14 However, there are some issues with some modules, mainly RDAirplay and RDCartslots.

Best regards

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

Tell us a bit about your audio setup. Are you using JACK, ALSA or HPI (AudioScience). What hardware?

I'm using JACK, with added User=rd in rivendell.service file and service is started by a script from qjackctl. Hardware is a AMD CPU, the RD Server is running inside a KVM virt enviroment with jack dummy driver , the clients using USB Soundinterfaces. The hardware ist the same as the running produktion system (debian 10, V3.6)

RDAdmin->ManageHosts->hostname->RDAirPlay. See the 'Logo Image' setting under 'Display Settings'. Ah, now i've seen it.


RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

CAED has a segfault, after trying to stop the recording cut player in rdlibrary... See Screenshot.


ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

However, there are some issues with some modules, mainly RDAirplay and RDCartslots.

Pray be specific as to details! I don't personally use dark themes, so I'm pretty color-blind to issues unless it's screamingly obvious.

ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

I'm using JACK, with added User=rd in rivendell.service file and service is started by a script from qjackctl. Hardware is a AMD CPU, the RD Server is running inside a KVM virt enviroment with jack dummy driver , the clients using USB Soundinterfaces. The hardware ist the same as the running produktion system (debian 10, V3.6)

Interesting use case! So I take it that the USB interfaces are being operated in ALSA mode for Rivendell (seeing as the JACK instance is using the dummy backend)? Or are you using multiple JACK instances?

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

Pray be specific as to details!

Hi Fred! I didn't wanted to further bother with minor issues like those ... my idea was to stick to beta-testing and report on core/bussiness-logic issues only (segfaults, qt, etc.. ) and report on dark-theme issues I found later, on a separate issue/thread.

I think it will help you keep things in order. If you wish, I could start the issue/thread now, with some edited screenshot for specific issues, so they can be dealt later.

Thanks. Regards.

ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

I didn't wanted to further bother with minor issues like those ... my idea was to stick to beta-testing and report on core/bussiness-logic issues only (segfaults, qt, etc.. ) and report on dark-theme issues I found later, on a separate issue/thread.

Thanks. I do appreciate that -- keeping it on seperate threads does make things much easier to manage.

I think it will help you keep things in order. If you wish, I could start the issue/thread now, with some edited screenshot for specific issues, so they can be dealt later.

Go for it!

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

Interesting use case! So I take it that the USB interfaces are being operated in ALSA mode for Rivendell (seeing as the JACK > instance is using the dummy backend)? Or are you using multiple JACK instances?

On my server is running the virt rivendell server, holding the database and audiostore via nfs. And it plays 24/7 to a webstream via jackd and dummyinterface to liquidsoap streaming application. On my main system for live and vting i'm using jack too, with a USb interface. The 2nd client serving me jingles is using alsa without jack. The Jackd setup on my main system is needed because of having to play music direkt from disk with the same audiointerface. Thats why User=rd in rivendell.service, that i have to write in again after every update...;)

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

Hi! Its no desktop environment... For application-specific systems (such as a Rivendell system) I learnt to stick to bare window-manager (openbox) together with a set of companion apps/packages, so the system becomes a kinda single-purpose appliance (very little RAM and installation disk space footprint) easy to clone/distribute

Yes, thats very eyecandy. To be honest, i havn't the time to do so much customizing and prefer to use a default XFCE Desktop. But yes, your system is looking better than mine... There should someone create a XFCE Rivendell Theme.. ;)

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

There should someone create a XFCE Rivendell Theme.. ;)

I'm using a very specific set of packages (Debian packages ;-) that install, out of the box, every required piece of software and the companion GUI theme/desktop customization tools... to get the basic 'kinda desktop environment' I need. If needed, I could share them :-)

I just need to deal with a few config files for UI settings, for a few UI pieces: the application menu (just an xml file), the composite manager (compton), the system monitor widget (conky) and a few environment variables in /etc/environment... other than that, everything is setup through GUI tools, just like a regular desktop environment

Best regards.

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

Hmm, ok. My problem. I'm using the client independent of radio production for audio and cutting video. So i'm glad to use the same os for it. And UbuntuStudio has it all installed. OK, i have removed the office stuff... And thats why i'm controlling CAED and the other RD services with Qjackctl.

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

Interesting use case!

If someone is interested. Here are the two script to control the rd-daemon from QJACKCTL. It is importent to add the line User=(your linux user name") in "/lib/systemd/system/rivendell.service" and reload that file with "sudo systemctl daemon-reload"

startdaemon.sh.txt stopdaemon.sh.txt

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

Aha... I thought I shared earlier or probably in the mailing list, my approach to this is similar, but achieved differently: What I do is to let Rivendell run as root, and, at the same time, neutralize JACKd users separation/compartimentation by means of JACKd's PROMISCUOUS MODE running feature.

In a nutshell: in my installs, there's just a system wide jackd.service, that runs in promiscuous mode, where every jackd client, no matter from whoever launched it, can connect to, and share audio in/out to any other processes, regardless of their launching users... and that's it... Once jackd is a system resource/comodity... launching qjackctl does not require any jackd setup, it just detects system-wide jack and connects to it. Rivendell daemons, just connect to system-wide jack too.

Connectivity is then done either trough qjackctl connections bay, the patchbay, or wathever (I prefer to connect rivendell In/Outs to Ardour and use it as a virtual mixing table) ... Im planning to get a Zoom R16 DAW controller to physically control Rivendell:

Screenshot at 2021-10-18 21-27-15

For sharing audio between VMs (and/or PCs eventually) I use jacktrip.... it all gets inter connected transparently.

RudiOnTheAir commented 2 years ago

I've made one more test. After hitting rec and play the clock begins to run, and the corrosponding file is growing. After the first try to stop, the counter is running, but the file stops growing... That happens independently from using alsa or jackd...

alexolivan commented 2 years ago

Looks like good news (I would say), like if its just qt5/frontend pesky annoyances... I'm gonna try to reference your original feed-back in the issue I opened about those issues on the RDLibrary Marks / Cut editor, because they may be very well same syntoms of same problem.


ElvishArtisan commented 2 years ago

Audio capture problems should be fixed by #759.