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Importing from Adobe Audition - Segue End Markers Incorrect #905

Open MikeTheHammer opened 10 months ago

MikeTheHammer commented 10 months ago

I’m having some trouble ingesting new audio using Adobe Audition. The Segue End markers aren’t being set the way they were before.

In Rivendell 3, I only had to set a “SEGs” marker inside Adobe Audition 3 or 2020+. Rivendell would interpret that as the Segue Start marker and would set the Segue End marker to be the end of the file.

In Rivendell 4, the Segue End markers are no longer being set correctly. Also, the manner in which they are incorrect is different depending on whether I save the file in Audition 3 or Audition 2022.

When I save a file in Audition 2022, Rivendell sets the Segue Start marker correctly, but does not set a Segue End marker. The cut still plays and segues as if both had been set.

When I save a file in Audition 3, Rivendell sets both the Segue Start and End markers to be where the SEGs marker was set. In either program, when I set both the SEGs and SEGe markers, then Rivendell sets both markers to the location of the SEGs marker.

Of the two, I’m more concerned about the Audition 2022 behavior. Especially if some future update changes the playback behavior of those cuts that have a Segue Start but not a Segue End. (We don’t actually have very many people using Audition 3 anymore.)

I've uploaded three files to Box. https://app.box.com/s/iwg8kqjpdkt43hgb5u7bjpm3fd0buj8i “Audition 3.wav”, and “Audition 2022.wav” both just have the SEGs markers set. “Audition 2022 – SEGe Marker Set.wav” has both SEGs and SEGe markers.