ElvishArtisan / rivendell

A full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments
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Question: When working on a new pypad script... #906

Open zotz opened 10 months ago

zotz commented 10 months ago

Question: When working on a new pypad script...

After making a change to the script, do you need to restart rdairplay the rivendell system, do anything special? Or should a simple edit and save to the .py file suffice?


ElvishArtisan commented 10 months ago

Just run the script. No restart of rdairplay needed.

Of course, how one 'runs the script' depends on your dev environment. If you're running it under the production rdadmin(1) hosting environment, simply opening the configuration and then touching the 'OK' button will cause the script to be restarted. However, when debugging it's often useful to run a script directly from a command-line, as that way you can do things like insert print() statements. Run it by doing something like:

/usr/bin/python3 my_script.py localhost 34289 my_script.exemplar

If you've got a configuration in the database that you want to use, you can pass the value of the configuration's PYPAD_INSTANCES.ID field, prepended by a '$' character, in place of the configuration filename. Be sure to escape the '$' so the shell doesn't eat it! For example:

/usr/bin/python3 my_script.py localhost 34289 \$23