ElvishArtisan / rivendell

A full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments
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BUG rdlibrary gives blank reports when filtering by scheduler codes #916

Open zotz opened 8 months ago

zotz commented 8 months ago

Did not discover this but am reporting here.

The mailing list topic is here:


ElvishArtisan commented 8 months ago

Unable to reproduce the issue. I've tested with Report Editor settings of '/usr/bin/emacs', '/usr/bin/gedit' and with nothing entered there at all, which gets you vi(1).

KeepEmGoing commented 4 months ago

This may be related and should be reproduceable: Add a date or user defined field data and try sorting for it. It doesn't work! We can no longer sort by anything but artist and title. The schedule code sort still works for us as best I can tell.