ElvishArtisan / rivendell

A full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments
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Feature Request: Improve RDCastManager UX #943

Open alexolivan opened 4 months ago

alexolivan commented 4 months ago

Hi folks.

I'm realizing that, while Rivendell is able to automate recording, upload and publish Podcast episodes pretty well, when it comes to handle the resulting created stuff and/or its lifecycle, I find it quite awkward.

By one side, I miss the usual UX list-entry multi-select feature at RDCastManager UI, in order to Delete a bunch of old episodes from a given feed. Manually selecting, pressing delete, answer the 'sure?' popup, and wait for the deletion process over and over and over again can be very very tedious.

And derived from this, I miss the hability to have full Episode lifecycle automation (well, we got most of it... I just miss the ending part) in RDCatch somehow.... so I could schedule a type of event that could delete/unpublish an uploaded episode(s) based on some criteria.

In my case, after several months of having my Rivendell VM uploading episodes on several feeds on its own (and doing it quite well!) I find myself having a loooooot of tedious work in order to trim my feeds to a reasonable amount of episodes.


ElvishArtisan commented 3 months ago

Have you tried setting the expiration date in the 'Editing Item' dialog in rdcastmanager(1)? This will cause the respective item to be deleted automatically at the date indicated. You can also set a default policy for setting these dates automatically by setting the 'Default Shelf Life' value in the feed's configuration dialog in rdadmin(1).

alexolivan commented 2 months ago

Hi Fred...missed that reply!

I have to try that. I recall that for some time I had that policy value at 30 days, and it worked in the sense that there were 4 weekly episodes at any time available to listen on the feed... but the actual recordings were not deleted and appeared on the RDCastManager UI. So, I changed the default value to 365 days following the logic that 'well, once they're there anyways, let them be played'.

Now I have to re-check all this... possibly I missed someting.


ElvishArtisan commented 2 months ago

I recall that for some time I had that policy value at 30 days, and it worked in the sense that there were 4 weekly episodes at any time available to listen on the feed... but the actual recordings were not deleted and appeared on the RDCastManager UI.

For these auto-purge and -post features to work reliably, you have to ensure that an RSS processor has been set. See the 'Process RSS Updates On' dropdown in RDAdmin->SystemSettings. This should be set to a host that is online 24/7.

alexolivan commented 1 month ago

Wow... two full years testing Rivendell and still missing some settings like that one!

I've set it up... time to see how it works! :-)

Thank you!