ElvishArtisan / rivendell

A full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments
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RDAirPlay: button log widget fails to update upon log refresh #962

Open ElvishArtisan opened 1 month ago

ElvishArtisan commented 1 month ago

When a log is airing and there is a another log chained as the next item in the playlist, if/when the log that is currently playing is updated with any additional carts (that are intended to air before the chain is scheduled to start), the left side of Airplay does NOT load the updated carts for playback. To rectify, the log will need to be reloaded entirely and adjusted to where it needs to be in the sequence. And again, this is only when there is a log chained as the next item in a playlist (on either the left or right side btw). And it is only in the case of adding a cart(s); as you can remove (delete) carts from both sides (via RDLogedit) as normal and as it should be.

vizubeat commented 1 month ago

Not sure if related, but in 4.2.2 I have also had RDAirPlay empty the main log when refreshing the log after adding a voice track to the log. That also needs a complete unload/load of the log and move to the correct position. It appears that adding new voice tracks after the first one has been added seems to behave OK on log reload.

Happy to add a new issue if you like.

ElvishArtisan commented 1 month ago

@vizubeat: thanks for the report! No need for an additional issue; we'll work the whole 'refresh problem' here.