ElvishArtisan / rivendell

A full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments
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Feature Request: Realm Panels and Service Panels #972

Open vizubeat opened 3 weeks ago

vizubeat commented 3 weeks ago

System panels are great for per-system buttons, and User panels are great for per-user buttons that can roam across hosts/workstations.

However, expanding this, would it be possible to add panels shared across a Rivendell realm (globally-available buttons shared across hosts/workstations in the realm (could be labelled cross-service panels)) and Service Panels for panels available across hosts/workstations assigned to a particular service?

I find myself having to replicate button setups across multiple hosts/workstations.

Plus, the ability for all panels to refresh whenever a change is made to a panel or button (maybe issue #971) would be super handy. Maybe even refreshing the number of panels of each type when changed in RDAdmin, without having to restart RDAirPlay.

Just an idea :-)