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RSS reader example #1

Open srid opened 3 years ago

srid commented 3 years ago

Take OPML as a part of model and create a website that displays the latest items in the feeds ... all neatly organized, with per-day routes.

The other part of model would be a record of last-updated time, and the fetched items. We will need to cache this data on disk, so as to be able to resume from it when relaunching the app.

srid commented 3 years ago

https://lobste.rs/s/sywgaz/arss_rss_reader_doesn_t_try_do_too_much <- has a backend, however.

srid commented 3 years ago

This could as well support data sources other than RSS (like slownews), such as reddit, HN & lobste.rs. Or even a custom source like r/TheMotte's CW barelinks repo.

Feedly has a similar model: you can add .rss feeds, but also data from established sources (Twitter, reddit, etc.)

srid commented 3 years ago

Leverage .org format and do it as part of orgself? cf. https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-feed.html

srid commented 3 years ago


A web-based RSS reader running entirely from your GitHub repo.

Demo https://github.com/srid/feeds

srid commented 3 years ago

Tangential: https://octo.github.com/projects/flat-data


Flat Data is a GitHub action which makes it easy to fetch data and commit it to your repository as flatfiles. The action is intended to be run on a schedule, retrieving data from any supported target and creating a commit if there is any change to the fetched data.

srid commented 3 years ago

Tangential only, but interesting nonetheless (aggregating links in github issues): https://github.com/headllines/hackernews-weekly

srid commented 2 years ago

Not RSS per se, but https://github.com/srid/TheMotteDashboard uses Ema and it reads reddit and generates static pages, as well as generates a Atom feed of its timeline.