Embarcadero / Dev-Cpp

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Project fails to build in 10.4.2 - SVGIconImageListGroupPackages.groupproj #132

Open darianmiller opened 3 years ago

darianmiller commented 3 years ago

SVGIconImageListGroupPackages.groupproj fails to build F:\GitHub\Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\SVGIconImageList\Packages\D10_4\dclSVGIconImageList.dproj

[dcc32 Fatal Error] SVGTextPropertyEditorUnit.pas(30): F1026 File not found: 'SVGIconImageList.inc'

pmcgee69 commented 3 years ago

Just checking - have you installed SVGIconImageList via GetIt ?

darianmiller commented 3 years ago

No. I attempted to follow the instructions in the Install section of the readme.

The main executable devcpp.exe can be built using the following steps:

1) Install VCL Style - Windows10BlueWhale from GetIt in the IDE. https://getitnow.embarcadero.com/VCLStyle-Windows10BlueWhale-1.0/ 1) Compile and install the following package(s): Source\VCL\DevCpp.dpk Source\VCL\SynEdit\Packages\Sydney\Delphi\SynEditDelphi.groupproj Source\VCL\ClassBrowsing\ClassBrowsing.dpk Source\VCL\SVGIconImageList\Packages\D10_4\SVGIconImageListGroupPackages.groupproj

2) Compile resources by running the following script(s): Source\CompileResources.bat

3) Open the project file devcpp.dpr. Your IDE should not produce any 'Module Not Found' or 'Resource Not Found' errors when opening files, compiling files or running devcpp.exe.

4) It is advisable to run CleanSource.bat before commiting work, when you get errors complaining about old versions of code or when you want to diff the source folder.

decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to do the same thing. Following Dev-C++\Source\README.txt but I am new to Delphi and am not sure the exact steps for "Compile and install the following package(s)". I'm starting with Source\VCL\DevCpp.dpk and did File -> Open... on it and then Project -> Build DevCpp which worked. What is the correct way to install though?

decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

I was able to make more progress as follows

VCL Style - Windows10BlueWhale 1.0 Tools -> GetIt Package Manager -> Styles -> Windows10BlueWhale Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\DevCpp.dpk File -> Open... Project -> Build DevCpp DevCpp.dproj - Projects -> DevCpp.bpl -> Install Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\SynEdit\Packages\Sydney\Delphi\SynEditDelphi.groupproj File -> Open... Project -> Build SynEditDelphi SynEditDelphi.dproj - Projects -> SynEditDD270.bpl -> Install Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\ClassBrowsing\ClassBrowsing.dpk File -> Open... Project -> Build ClassBrowsing ClassBrowsing.dproj - Projects -> ClassBrowsing.bpl -> Install Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\SVGIconImageList\Packages\D10_4\SVGIconImageListGroupPackages.groupproj File -> Open... Unable to locate project ... SVGIconPackage.dproj ... SVGIconImageList.dproj ... dclSVGIconImageList.dproj ... SVGIconImageListFMX.dproj ... dclSVGIconImageListFMX.dproj The project reference has been removed from the project group.

So there are some things still unclear to me.

pmcgee69 commented 2 years ago

Suggest you install svgiconimagelist via getit

decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

Suggest you install svgiconimagelist via getit

Made progress. Here are the steps I took.

Tools -> GetIt Package Manager -> Styles -> SVGIconImageList VCL & FMX 3.8 Also installed SVGIconImageListDemo. Source\CompileResources.bat Error Could not open input file DefaultFiles.rc cd Source CompileResources.bat devcpp.dpr File -> Open... Error creating form: Out of memory. Project -> Build devcpp file not found ...Calypso.vsf Tools -> GetIt Package Manager -> Styles -> VCL Style - Calypso 1.0 file not found ...FlatUILight.vsf Tools -> GetIt Package Manager -> Styles -> VCL Style - FlatUILight 1.0 file not found ...MaterialPatternsBlue.vsf Tools -> GetIt Package Manager -> Styles -> VCL Style - MaterialPatternsBlue 1.0 Cannot find in GetIt. Found reference on web. https://blogs.embarcadero.com/new-vcl-windows-theme-material-patterns-blue/ https://blogs.embarcadero.com/new-fmx-multi-device-theme-material-patterns-blue/ file not found ...Windows10BlackPearl.vsf Tools -> GetIt Package Manager -> Styles -> VCL Style - Windows10BlackPearl 1.0

So how can I get MaterialPatternsBlue?

decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

I notice that PyScripter includes this VCL Style directly.


decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

I see these https://getitnow.embarcadero.com/vcl-windows-style-material-patterns-blue/ https://getitnow.embarcadero.com/fmx-multi-device-style-material-patterns-blue/ but I'm not sure how to make use of them yet.

pmcgee69 commented 2 years ago

In Getit ... image

decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

For me I do not see "Material Patterns Blue 1.0". I only see "MaterialOxfordBlue 1.0". I'm running Delphi 10.4 Community Edition if it matters. Perhaps these are RAD version specific databases that GetIt uses? Looks like this was originally released for 10.3.3 so perhaps it was not migrated to 10.4 in some way? Or perhaps this is not for the Community Edition? That would seem confusing since PyScripter has it.

decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

As a workaround I copied MaterialPatternsBlue.vsf from PyScripter to C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\Styles which allowed me to get past that error but now I have other issues.

[dcc32 Error] E1026 File not found: 'AwesomeFont.RES'

I see this twice.

I did find this


decimal1969 commented 2 years ago

I was able to get it to build.

It turns out that vcl-styles-utils is a separate GitHub project which also happens to be embedded in Dev-Cpp but the resource files are not compiled. I compiled them and added them to the Library for both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit and then was able to build.

cd C:\Users{user}\git\Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\vcl-styles-utils\Common rc AwesomeFont.RC rc AwesomeFont_zip.RC

This produced AwesomeFont.RES and AwesomeFont_zip.RES.

The vcl-styles-utils project is available independently at


and the installation instructions say

Under Tools, Environment Options, Library, add the directory where the VCL Styles Utils library have been installed Example : C:\Delphi\Libs\vcl-styles-utils\Common to the Win32 and Win64 library path.

but these instructions did not apply exactly to Delphi 10.4 Community Edition. Instead, I used

Under Tools, Options, Language, Delphi, Library, add the directory where the VCL Styles Utils library have been installed Example : C:\Users{user}\git\Dev-Cpp\Source\VCL\vcl-styles-utils\Common to the Win32 and Win64 library path.